
2019-04-29 22:41:55 来源:网络 作者:yami





  Describe an interesting old person  描述一个有趣的老人


  Well, the person I actually wanna talk about is my grandmother as you probably don’t know that she’s the one who brought me up. She is over 80 years old now but looks a lot younger than her real age. Considering her age you won’t believe that she’s always managed to be well presented because she is just so neat and tidy.


  Back to my mum’s generation she was the one who raised up all the children. She looked after the entire family whilst managed to still work as an officer in the community service centre. She was passion on her job and quite concerned on other people’s needs. I couldn’t imagine how she got everything done and I have to be honest that if I were her, I would be a total mess. She also had a great personality, as far as I know, she had never burst bad temper.


  One great quality of my grandmother is her honesty. There is one thing that I remember distinctly is back to Feb 1995, she fond money on the street and it’s over 1000. The money was in an envelop and considering the time that amount of money could feed my family for months. However, she didn’t just took it away like some other people would do but spend nearly a whole day staying there waiting the owner. I remember that I did ask her once a couple of years ago about why she didn’t take the money back then. She said that she did it because it is not her money and if she took it, it would be the same as stealing, plus someone’s life might depend on it as well. Her word made me start to think about what I should do if I were in that situation and how my behavior would impact on other people’s life.


  Actually, that’s the reason why I think this is very interesting because my grandma had never stepped in school, yet she understand all life principles and she can pass on that wisdom. To be honest, she influenced me greatly.






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