
2019-05-08 01:04:47 来源:网络 作者:yawen




  When they are studying or working, some people prefer to listen to music while others prefer to stay in a quiet place. Which do you prefer and why?


  I prefer to stay in a quiet place to study. Because only in that way, I can be more concentreated on my studies. As a law school student, I have too many legal terms and provisions to recite. Music, noisy or things like that may divert my attention. Music for me is more like an entertainment. When it plays the music that I like, I may be immersed in it. So it's not a good choice for me to listen to music when I'm study.



  1 study


  1 noisy————noise

  2 When I'm study————When I study


  1 I prefer to stay in a quiet place to study. Because only in that way, I can be more concentreated on my study.————I prefer to study in a quiet place, because that's the only way I can concentrate on my studies.

  2 too many————many

  3 recite————memorize

  4 When it plays————When I play


  I prefer to study in a quiet place, because that's the only way I can concentrate on my studies. As a law school student, I have many legal terms and provisions to recite/memorize. Music, noise or things like that may divert my attention. Music for me is more like entertainment. When I play the music that I like, I maybe immersed in it. So it is not a good idea for me to listen to music when I study.





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