雅思口语答案:Part3 上网搜信息(二)

2019-05-09 01:11:29 来源:网络 作者:alice
今天的素材是Part2题卡“上网搜信息”对应的Part3话题,大家可以参照着我们*的P2P3素材构建自己的答案,让自己上场不慌。下面我们就来看一下雅思口语答案:Part3 上网搜信息(二)。

  今天的素材是Part2题卡“上网搜信息”对应的Part3话题,大家可以参照着我们*的P2P3素材构建自己的答案,让自己上场不慌。下面我们就来看一下雅思口语*答案:Part3 上网搜信息(二)。



  肤浅的 superficial

  未经证实的 unsupported

  谣言 rumor

  可信度 validity;reliability; credibility

  令人怀疑的 doubtful

  误导人的 misleading


  例句1: Since there is no threshold for the release of information on the network, this leads to poor credibility of information online, such as many unconfirmed rumors. These misleading rumors are likely to lead to wrong judgments.

  例句2: The validity of the information online are doubtful, even on some professional website. Some people will upload some false information to mislead the public.


  多种形式 diversified forms

  意外收获 windfall

  节约时间 time-saving

  题目分析: 我很喜欢在网上搜索信息,因为它们可以有多种形式,而不仅仅是文字信息。并且,在解决一个问题的过程中,很可能有了解到其他知识的意外收获。*为重要的是,上网搜索是非常节约时间的方式。

  例句1: I really like to search for information online because they have diversified forms, instead of just text messages. Moreover, in the process of solving a problem, it is very likely that there is windfall in understanding other knowledge. Most importantly, online searching is a very time-saving way.

  例句2: Yes. Finding information online is quicker than finding on books, and I can find information from foreign website, with pictures, videos and others’ comments.

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