四大菜系之广东菜 cantonese cuisine
法国菜 french cuisine
荤菜 meat diet
素菜 vegetables
咖喱饭 curry rice
炒饭 fried rice
锅巴 crispyrice
打卤面 noddles with gravy
刀削面 sliced noodles
凉面 cold noodles in sauce
烩面 Stewed noodles
阳春面 plainnoodle
蛋花汤 egg and vegetable soup
混沌汤 wonton soup
宫*鸡丁 Kung Pao chicken
北京烤鸭 Peking roast duck
烤乳猪 Roast suckling pig
可信的 reliable trustworthy
勇敢的 courageous bold dauntless
果断的 decisive resolute
谦虚的 modest, humble
幽默的 humorous,常用good sense of humor
充满精力的 energetic, 口语中还很常用full of energy
热情的 enthusiastic passionate
体贴的 thoughtful nice considerate(注意considerable是大量的)
勤奋的 diligent industrious studious
知识渊博的 knowledgeable literate的感情色彩少淡
进取的 ambitious enterprising aggressive,
适应能力强的 adaptable
和蔼可亲的 gentle affable amiable kind easygoing
节俭的 frugal thrifty, economical prudent
慷慨的 generous bighearted
受欢迎的 polular well-liked catchy
魅力的 charming glamour
美丽的 beautiful pretty goodlooking
自私的 selfish self-centered asocial mean
卑鄙的: mean contemptible despicable shabby (此词在国内外看来都是骂人的慎用)
下流的: indecent dirty nasty obscene (猥琐的正宗翻译)
无耻的: shameless impudicity cheeky blushless blatant
可以看到世间是无情的 ruthless heartless unmerciful pitiless cold-hearted relentless cruel