
2012-08-27 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:PMC_ivy

>  Fend off boredom
  Boredom is the second most commonly hidden emotion in the office (anger being the first). So says Sandi Mann a senior psychology lecturer at the University of Central Lancashire in England. Mann, who clearly isn''t bored by her work, suggests that boredom could be the new stress, and it can easily lead to even less desirable emotions like resentment and hostility. The solution is simple to Mark de Rond, who spent six weeks studying surgeons at Camp Bastion in Afghanistan. They experienced intense, high pressure situations followed by long periods with nothing to do or anywhere to go. "Give people something to care about more than themselves," says de Rond. Easier said than done.
  A dog''s life
  Don''t work like a dog, bring one into the office. Companies that have office dogs have claimed that their hairy, wet-nosed presence can reduce stressful moments and encourage collaboration (between employees not between employees and the dog). Vivian Chan of architecture firm Studio Verve in London says that the presence of Tiger, a long-haired Jack Russell, in the office is very therapeutic. "After we have a phone call with a difficult contractor, for instance, sometimes we just talk to Tiger about it," she says. "You can''t really be all that serious when Tiger is jumping between chairs."
  不是像狗一样地工作,而是带一条狗来办公室吧。办公场所里允许有狗的公司声称这种毛发多、鼻子湿漉漉的动物的存在可以减轻压力,促进合作(员工之间的合作,而非员工与狗之间的合作)。在伦敦Studio Verve建筑公司工作的维维安·陈说,她的办公室里有一只长毛的杰克罗素狗Tiger,它的存在让我们感觉非常放松。“比如,在我们跟一个难缠的承包商打完电话之后,有时候我们就会跟Tiger 抱怨几句,” 她说。“当Tiger在椅子中间跳来跳去的时候,你就真的不会那么较真了。”
  Her findings were confirmed by a study by the Virginia Commonwealth University''s School of Business that found dog-free offices more stressed than those with a pooch sniffing workers pockets for biscuits of lying upside down in doorways。
  Turn-off tricks
  Mobile devices mean that it is easy for work to follow you home and for work-related emails to be the last thing you read at night and the first thing you check in the morning. Perhaps as much a general life improvement as an office life improvement, "turn off" tricks hailed by career development authors have a holistic value. Breaks from relentless work, especially short bursts of exercise coupled with "zoning out" make actual work more productive.
  Be happy
  A tricky one this, but whatever being happy means to you, it will undoubtedly help you in your professional life as well as personal endeavors. Some might see it as a transient emotion rather than a fixed state of being, but for all, it is attainable. Shawn Anchor spent 12 years researching happiness at Harvard and concluded that happiness is "a choice". He states that a decade of study shows that "happiness raises nearly every business and education outcome: raising sales by 37 percent, productivity by 31% and accuracy on tasks by 19%."
  Take a stand
  You don''t have to be slumped in front of a computer for hours on end, day in day out. No, you could stand in front of your computer terminal instead. Numerous studies have suggested that not only is sitting down bad for posture it is positively bad for your health and could even be an upholstered way to a early grave. The Sax Institute in Australia published a report in March that studied over 200,000 people. It found that adults who sat more than 11 hours per day had a 40% increased risk of dying in the next three years compared to those who sat for less than four hours a day.
  Get a plant
  Bringing a potted piece of the natural world into your office can have a number of benefits. A 2011 study by the Norwegian University of Life Sciences and Uppsala University found that plants in the office help to reduce tiredness, stress, dry throats and headaches. The report also found that employees who could see plants from their desk took less sick leave than those that could not. Meanwhile other studies, including one from Texas A&M University, have suggested that plants and flowers in the workplace also increase innovative thinking and boost attentiveness.
  Better lighting
  Blue-enriched white light could be another boost for weary office employees. Research carried out at the Surrey Sleep Center, part of the University of Surrey in the UK, found that lighting with an added low-intensity blue frequency, instead of just white light illumination, stayed more alert during afternoons and evenings. The blue-enriched white light is thought to be more effective because it targets a photoreceptor in the eye and, it is believed, produces an uplifting effect in mood.
  For employers, better illumination can also lighten the mood: Of 1,000 workers surveyed by Goodman Property, 63% professed loyalty to a company that is well-lit. Architectural Lighting magazine has n




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