等号=是小编首先要为大家介绍的一个速记符号,这个符号一般可以用来表示提到某事refer to,或是发生某事occur之类的意思,来看实例:
听力原文:A concept that people make choices to describe a situation in a positive or negative way is referred to as word framing
速记展示:Word framing = ppl describe a situation in ? or X way
∵这个符号大家在*数学里应该学到过,表示原因,因为的意思,比如Because, as a result of, due to, because of, owing to等等,都可以用这个符号来替代,实例如下:
听力原文:Due to the increasing popularity of e-books, there has been a fall in paper book sales.
速记展示:∵↑e-books, paper books $↓
听力原文:Element 43 has radioactive decay, therefore element 43 doesn't last very long, which means if that ever had been present on earth, it would have decayed ages ago.
速记展示:Elem43 has radioa. decay ∴ it ≠ last long
这个符号表示某件事导致的结果,造成的后果等等,常用来替代有这类含义的词汇如result in, lead to, contribute to, give rise to, cause等,下面是具体例子:
听力原文:Carbon dioxide significantly contributes to global warming.
速记展示:CO => global warming
这个符号大家应该不陌生,放到听力笔记当中可以用来表示isn't, doesn't, don't, can't等等表示各种否定含义的词汇,速记方法如下:
听力原文:Element 43 has radioactive decay, therefore element 43 doesn't last very long, which means if that ever had been present on earth, it would have decayed ages ago.
速记展示:Elem43 has radioa. decay ∴ it ≠ last long
一个加号可以用来指代听力中出现的很多大量等描述,many, lots of, a great deal of等都可以用+来代替,比如:
听力原文:Because potatoes have the ability to provide abundant and extremely nutritious food crop, no other crop grew in Northern Europe. As a result, the nutrition of the general population improved tremendously and population soared in the early 1800s.
速记展示:∵ potatoes /nutri crop/+vitamins => popul↑ in Europe 1800s