
2023-09-17 16:24:26 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编


Part 1

Part 1 部分主要是常见日常场景中的对话,重点考察对话中的基本信息。以下是一则Part 1的对话以及答案还原:


Interviewer: Good morning. Can I have your name, please?

Candidate: Yes, my name is Jane Smith.

Interviewer: Thank you. And can I see your ID, please?

Candidate: Yes, sure. Here you are.

Interviewer: Thank you. Now, can you tell me where you live?

Candidate: I live in the city center, on Main Street, in an apartment building.

Interviewer: Great. And can you tell me a little about your job?

Candidate: Yes, I’m a teacher at a local high school.


Name: Jane Smith

ID: shown

Address: Main Street, in an apartment building

Occupation: teacher at a local high school

Part 2

Part 2 部分主要是一则长对话,重点考察听者能否听懂对话节选的主题和细节。以下是一则Part 2的对话以及答案还原:


Man: Hi, I’m interested in renting a car for a week starting this Friday.

Woman: Sure, we can help you with that. Do you have a preference for what type of car?

Man: Yeah, I’d like something medium-sized that’s good on gas.

Woman: Okay, we have a few different options in that category. Can you tell me how many people will be traveling in the car?

Man: Just two of us.

Woman: Alright, I recommend our Toyota Corolla. It’s a great car and gets excellent gas mileage. It’s also very reliable.

Man: That sounds perfect. How much will it cost?

Woman: For a week, the rental fee is $275, plus a $50 deposit that we’ll refund when you return the car. And there’s also a daily insurance fee of $10.

Man: Okay, that all sounds good to me. What do I need to bring with me to rent the car?

Woman: Just a valid driver’s license and a credit card in your name.


Car type: medium-sized, good on gas

Recommended car: Toyota Corolla

Cost: $275 rental fee + $50 deposit + $10 daily insurance fee

Requirements: valid driver’s license and credit card in renter’s name

Part 3

Part 3 部分主要是一则*性对话,重点考察听者对*话题和术语的理解。以下是一则Part 3的对话以及答案还原:


Professor: Today we’re going to be discussing the concept of cultural relativism. Can anyone tell me what that term means?

Student: I think it means that different cultures have different values, and that we need to understand those differences in order to understand and appreciate other cultures.

Professor: Yes, that’s a good start. Cultural relativism is the idea that cultural beliefs and practices must be understood within their own cultural context. It’s the opposite of ethnocentrism, which is the belief that one’s own culture is superior to all others.

Student: So does that mean we should never criticize other cultures?

Professor: Not exactly. It means that we should try to understand and appreciate other cultures, but we can still criticize practices that are harmful or violate fundamental human rights.

Student: But who decides what violates human rights? Isn’t that subjective?

Professor: It can be, which is why there are international organizations like the United Nations that have developed human rights standards that are widely accepted by most countries.


Concept: cultural relativism

Definition: cultural beliefs and practices must be understood within their own cultural context

Opposite concept: ethnocentrism

Role: try to understand and appreciate other cultures, but still criticize harmful practices

Human rights standards: developed by international organizations like the United Nations

Part 4 部分主要是一则*型长对话,重点考察听者对*话题和术语的理解。以下是一则Part 4的对话以及答案还原:


Professor: Today we’re going to be talking about the history of the English language. Can anyone tell me where English originated?

Student: I think it originated in England, right?

Professor: Yes, that’s correct. But the English language has actually been influenced by many other languages over the centuries. For example, the Anglo-Saxons spoke a Germanic language, and when they settled in England in the 5th century, they brought their language with them. Over time, this language evolved into what we now call Old English.

Student: And what about the influences from Latin and French?

Professor: Yes, those were also important influences. Latin was the language of the Roman Empire, and when the Romans invaded Britain in the 1st century AD, they brought their language with them. French became an important influence after the Norman Conquest in 1066, when the Normans – who spoke a French dialect – conquered England and introduced their language to the country.

Student: So how has English evolved since then?

Professor: Well, after the Norman Conquest, English became a mix of Old English, Latin, and French. Over time, it continued to evolve, with new words and phrases being added from other languages, as well as through the development of new technologies and cultural trends.


Topic: the history of the English language

Origin: from the Anglo-Saxons’ Germanic language

Influences: Latin language from the Roman Empire, French from the Norman Conquest

Evolution: mix of Old English, Latin, and French; new words and phrases added from other languages and through the development of new technologies and cultural trends




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