
2023-10-17 06:50:26 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编



雅思写作中出现过不少关于个人经历的题目,考生们需要在作文中充分展示自己的经历和感受。例如,2016年5月28日的雅思写作考试中出现了一个个人经历类的题目:Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behavior. Others disagree and think that the host country should welcome cultural differences. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


It is undoubtedly true that when someone visits another country, they should follow the customs and behaviors of that country. There are various reasons for this. Firstly, it shows respect for the culture and traditions of the country. Secondly, it can help visitors to better understand and appreciate the local way of life. Finally, it can help to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts with the locals.

On the other hand, it is also important for the host country to welcome cultural differences. This can enrich the cultural diversity of the country and promote mutual understanding and respect among different cultures. It can also attract more visitors and enhance the international image of the country.

In my opinion, both views are valid and should be balanced. Visitors should try their best to follow local customs and behaviors, but at the same time, the host country should be open-minded and tolerant of cultural differences. This can create a harmonious and inclusive environment for both locals and visitors.


环*类的题目也是雅思写作中经常出现的话题,考生们需要在作文中充分展示自己对环*问题的关注和看法。例如,2018年2月1日的雅思写作考试中出现了一个环*类的题目:Some people think that the best way to solve environmental problems is to increase the cost of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Environmental problems have become increasingly serious in recent years, and it is urgent for us to take effective measures to solve these problems. Some people suggest that increasing the cost of fuel is the best way to solve environmental problems. However, I do not entirely agree with this view.

On the one hand, increasing the cost of fuel can indeed encourage people to use less fuel and reduce their carbon footprint, which can help to alleviate environmental problems to some extent. For example, people may choose to walk, cycle, or take public transport instead of driving, which can not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also improve their health and fitness.

On the other hand, increasing the cost of fuel may also have some negative impacts. Firstly, it can lead to higher living costs for ordinary people, especially those who live in rural areas or have low incomes. Secondly, it may discourage people from driving, which can affect their mobility and convenience, and even reduce their job opportunities and income. Finally, it may also lead to higher transportation costs for businesses, which can affect their competitiveness and profitability.

In my opinion, we should take a comprehensive and balanced approach to solve environmental problems, instead of relying solely on increasing the cost of fuel. This can include promoting renewable energy, improving energy efficiency, developing low-carbon transport modes, and encouraging people to adopt green lifestyles. By doing so, we can not only protect the environment, but also promote sustainable development and improve people's quality of life.


文化交流类的题目也是雅思写作中的热门话题之一,考生们需要在作文中充分展示自己对文化交流的理解和看法。例如,2021年3月13日的雅思写作考试中出现了一个文化交流类的题目:In many countries, traditional foods are being replaced by international fast food. This is a negative effect of globalization that should be stopped. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Globalization has brought both positive and negative impacts to our world, and the replacement of traditional foods by international fast food is a negative effect that has aroused much concern. Some people argue that this trend should be stopped, while others believe that it is a natural outcome of cultural exchange. In my opinion, both views have some merits, but I tend to support the latter one.

On the one hand, the replacement of traditional foods by international fast food can indeed lead to the loss of cultural identity and diversity. Many traditional foods are not only delicious but also closely related to local customs, beliefs, and lifestyles. By replacing them with international fast food, we may lose the unique charm and value of local cultures.

On the other hand, international fast food can also bring some benefits to our society. Firstly, it can provide more choices and convenience for people, especially those who live in urban areas and have busy lifestyles. Secondly, it can promote cultural exchange and understanding among different countries and regions. By trying different types of food, people can learn more about the history, geography, and people of other places.

In conclusion, while we should cherish and preserve our traditional foods and cultures, we should also embrace and enjoy the benefits of cultural exchange and diversity. By doing so, we can enrich our lives, broaden our horizons, and promote peace and harmony in our world.


社会问题类的题目也是雅思写作中时常出现的话题,考生们需要在作文中充分展示自己对社会问题的关注和思考。例如,2019年4月25日的雅思写作考试中出现了一个社会问题类的题目:In many countries, the gap between the rich and the poor is ever increasing. What problems does this cause and what solutions can be done to address them?


The widening gap between the rich and the poor is a serious social problem that deserves our attention and action. This problem can lead to a range of negative consequences, including social unrest, crime, and political instability. Therefore, it is urgent for us to find effective solutions to address this problem.

One of the main problems caused by the gap between the rich and the poor is the inequality of opportunities. People from poor families may have less access to education, healthcare, and other basic needs, which can hinder their social mobility and personal development. This can create a vicious cycle of poverty and social exclusion, which can affect not only individuals but also society as a whole.

To address this problem, we can take various measures. Firstly, we can improve the social welfare system and provide more support to the poor and vulnerable groups. This can include social housing, healthcare services, education subsidies, and job training programs. Secondly, we can promote fair taxation and redistribute the wealth and income more equitably. This can include progressive income tax, inheritance tax, and wealth tax. Finally, we can enhance the social dialogue and participation, and encourage the civil society and the private sector to play a more active role in addressing the social problems.

In conclusion, the gap between the rich and the poor is a complex and challenging issue, but it is not insurmountable. By taking a comprehensive and coordinated approach, we can reduce the inequality of opportunities and promote a more inclusive and harmonious society.

科技类的题目也是雅思写作中常见的话题之一,考生们需要在作文中充分展示自己对科技发展的理解和看法。例如,2020年11月14日的雅思写作考试中出现了一个科技类的题目:Some people think that robots are essential for humans' development, while others believe that robots are a danger to human life and society. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


The development of robotics technology has brought both benefits and challenges to human life and society. Some people believe that robots are essential for humans' development, while others think that robots are a danger to human life and society. In my opinion, both views have some merits, but we should be cautious and responsible in using robotics technology.

On the one hand, robots can bring some benefits to humans' development. For example, robots can perform tasks that are repetitive, dangerous, or impossible for humans, and thus save time, cost, and energy. They can also improve the quality and efficiency of work and production, and create new opportunities and industries. Furthermore, robots can help to address some social problems, such as healthcare, education, and environmental protection, by providing better and more personalized services.

On the other hand, robots can also pose some risks and challenges to human life and society. Firstly, robots can take over some jobs that are currently done by humans, which can lead to unemployment, inequality, and social unrest. Secondly, robots can malfunction, hack, or be misused by humans, which can lead to accidents, damages, or even threats to national security. Finally, robots can affect the social and ethical values of humans, and raise questions about the rights, responsibilities, and dignity of robots and their creators.

In conclusion, while we should embrace and explore the potential of robotics technology, we should also be aware of its risks and challenges. By adopting a balanced and responsible approach, we can maximize the benefits of robotics technology and minimize its negative impacts, and thus create a better and more sustainable future for humans and robots.




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