
2023-10-23 23:49:27 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编







As can be seen from the pie chart, there are three different types of transportation used in London: bus, car and subway. Among them, bus is the most popular one, with a percentage of 47.6%, followed by subway, which is used by 30.2% of the population. Car, on the other hand, is the least popular one, with only 22.2% of the population using it.

There are several reasons for the popularity of bus in London. Firstly, it is the cheapest means of transport, which is especially important for those who have a low income. Secondly, buses in London are very frequent and the waiting time is usually short. Finally, a lot of people use buses simply because they enjoy the view of the city while travelling.



The bar chart illustrates the number of books read by people in four different age groups in the UK. As can be seen from the chart, young children aged 6-12 are the most avid readers, with an average of 18 books read per year. The second highest group is teenagers aged 13-18, who read an average of 14 books per year. Adults aged 19-30 read the fewest number of books per year, with an average of only 5 books. The average number of books read by people aged over 60 is 9.

The reasons for these differences are various. Firstly, young children are encouraged to read by their parents and teachers, and the books they read are mainly story books, which are easy and interesting for them. Secondly, teenagers are interested in a variety of topics, such as adventure stories and love stories, which make them read more books. However, as people grow older, their reading habits change. Adults are more interested in practical books, such as self-help books and textbooks, which are not necessarily interesting to read. Finally, older people may have reading difficulties due to age, which leads to less reading.



The line graph illustrates the changes in temperature in a city in the UK over a period of one year, from January to December. As can be seen from the graph, the temperature increases gradually from January to June, with the highest temperature being 25 degrees Celsius in July. After that, the temperature decreases gradually until December, with the lowest temperature being 4 degrees Celsius.

There are several reasons for the changes in temperature. Firstly, the temperature is affected by the season. In the UK, summer is from June to August, which is the hottest season of the year. Secondly, the temperature is also influenced by the location of the city. If the city is located near the sea, the temperature is usually lower than that of the city located far away from the sea. Finally, the temperature is affected by human activities, such as the use of air conditioners and heaters, which can increase or decrease the temperature in a certain area.




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