
2019-07-04 20:58:55 来源:网络 作者:荷西



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Children should only doing sports for fun rather than for competition.我们可以从运动的功能维度来考虑,这道题是以运动为切入点考察*到底是应该娱乐还是竞争。

  Function 1: Keep fitness

  运动的*基本作用在于帮助人们*持身体健康,对于*来说,有利于其身体的健康发展,增强免疫力(enhance immunity)等。

  Sample sentences:

  1. The basic function of sports is to keep fitness, and for children, it is benefit for their physical development and enhancing their immunity.

  2. Doing sports can build a healthy body, which can help children to resist diseases.

  Function 2: Relax

  运动可以让*们放松。当今社会,*们的学习压力越来越大,而运动是*好的放松方式之一,不仅可以释放压力(release pressure),还可以结交朋友。

  Sample sentences:

  1. Doing sports is one of the best ways for relaxation, which not only helps children to release pressure, but also to make more friends.

  2. Doing sports for competition may cause children being too aggressive, which is not good for their mental development.

  Function 3: Skills


  Sample sentences:

  1. Doing sports is a good way for children to learn different kinds of skills, such as teamwork, communication skills and flexibility.

  2. Moderate competition is beneficial for children’s development, but over competition may cause physical injury easily.





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