
2012-10-12 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:PMC_ivy
近日,J·K·罗琳(JK Rowling)在接受BBC艺术主编威尔·冈珀茨(Will Gompertz)关于其新作《临时空缺》的访谈时表示,如果想到绝妙的点子,才有可能续写哈利·波特的故事。她个人十分反感出前传和写续集的做法,不想在没有好的灵感前提下就随便拼凑哈利·波特故事以赚大钱。

  近日,J·K·罗琳(JK Rowling)在接受BBC艺术主编威尔·冈珀茨(Will Gompertz)关于其新作《临时空缺》的访谈时表示,如果想到绝妙的点子,才有可能续写哈利·波特的故事。她个人十分反感出前传和写续集的做法,不想在没有好的灵感前提下就随便拼凑哈利·波特故事以赚大钱。


  Will Gompertz: It seems incredible to me that as a writer you''ve created a portfolio of characters which connect with millions, maybe even billions of people. And those characters have got plenty more story in them. Surely to goodness, as a writer, you can''t leave them be。

  JK Rowling: It was murder saying goodbye. But truly, where Harry''s story is concerned, I''m done. I just think it would be for the sake of milking it and that''s just not in me。

  Clearly there was an appetite for eight, nine, ten, and I could have done it. I know that world so well that moving in and out of it is like walking through my own front door. But I had enough plot for seven novels, and to go further would have been money for old rope. Couldn''t do it. And that''s largely why I slapped on that epilogue. Because the epilogue says he''s leading a quiet life, and he''s earned it. He''s done。

  Now, having said all of that, I have always left the door ajar because I''m not that cruel. If I had a fabulous idea that came out of that world, because I loved writing it, I would do it. But I''ve got to have a great idea, I don''t want to go mechanically into that world and pick up odds and ends and glue them together and say "here we go, we can sell this". It would make a mockery of what those books were to me. They really kept me going through some very rough times... So I just don''t want to betray them in that sense。

  But you''re right, you know what, if I did have a great idea for something else, I probably would do it. I''m very averse to the prequel / sequel idea. I''ve never seen it work well in either literature or film. That''s a personal preference。

  Will Gompertz: When were you in that position?

  JK Rowling: There were a couple of the Potters and I definitely knew that they needed another year. There''s one towards the beginning and there''s one towards the end, that I definitely felt that about. I had to write on the run and there were times when it was really tough. And I read them, and I think "Oh God, maybe I''ll go back and do a director''s cut". I don''t know。

  But you know what? I''m proud I was writing under the conditions under which I was writing. No one will ever know how tough it was at times。












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