我们就来看看具体可以如何利用自己的“想象力”跟“好奇心”更有效地处理托福阅读中的长文章。托福阅读的文章大多都是选自各类学科在大学教材中的内容,所以基本都是说明文,这就意味着文章的结构或者主旨充满了套路,稍微动下脑筋我们就能从文章的标题中就预判出文章的主要结构。具体来说,其实任何的文章主题都可以从三个方面进行展开,what 是什么,why 为什么how 怎么样。我们用 TPO 17 的一篇文章来具体阐述如何运用想象力跟好奇心Symbiotic Relationships《共生关系》*步,我们可以先调动起自己的好
奇心,问问自己作者关于这样一个话题会写些什么,或者自己又想知道些什么,比如 What is symbiotic relationship? What is the influence brought by this kind of relationship?
Paragraph 1:A symbiotic relationship is an interaction between two or more species in which one species lives in or on another species. There are three main types of symbiotic relationships: parasitism,commensalism, and mutualism.
文章的*段就告诉了我们 symbiotic 的定义,并将它分成了三大类,我们可以用大写的字母 P, C, M 来代替。那接下来我们就可以预判文章会重点地介绍这三大类各自的特点。
Paragraph 2:
Parasitism is a kind of predatorprey relationship in which one organism, the parasite, derives its food at the expense of its symbiotic associate, the host….
Paragraph 3:At times, it is actually possible to watch the effects of natural selection in host-parasite relationships. … Thus, natural selection stabilized this hostparasite relationship.第三段讲到的内容依旧与寄生有关,而且提出了自然选择会使这种关系稳定下来的新内容
Paragraph 4:Incontrasttoparasitism , i n commensalism, one partner benefits without significantly affecting the other. …
Paragraph 5:The third type of symbiosis , mutualism, benefits both partners in the relationship. …第五段也就介绍了*后一种——互利共生关系。
Paragraph 6:The complex interplay of species in symbiotic relationships highlights an important point about communities: Their structur depends on a web of diverse connections among organisms.