
2019-07-23 22:10:18 来源:网络 作者:荷西


<a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/ielts/xiezuo'>雅思写作模板</a>agree/disagree题型


  I full agree with the argument that (1) 支持观点 A. For one thing (2) 支持观点 A 的原因之一。

  For another, (3) 支持观点 A 的原因之二。

  History has told us that (4) 历史* A 的正确性。

  For example, (5) 举例*。

  Furthermore, (6) 进一步阐述 A 的正确性。

  But some people stubbornly cling to (7) 人们反对观点 A.

  If we listen to these people we will (8) 听从那些人会产生的后果。

  In conclusion, I think we should not (9) 我们不应该怎麽做。

  On the contrary, we should (10) 我们应该怎麽做。


  According to the opinion of some people , there are quite different attitudes towards AAA. Some claim that (1) 人们的观点 AAA. However, I cannot agree (2) 我反对观点 AAA.

  First, (3) 我反对 AAA 的*个理由。

  That is to say (4) 进一步阐述。

  Second, (5) 我反对 AAA 的第二个理由。

  In fact, (6) 举例说明。

  Finally, (7) 我反对 AAA 的第三个理由。

  To sum up, (8) 总结我的观点。But it is also necessary to stress that (9) 退一步总结。


  It is often said that (1) 题目所给的观点。Those who hold this view say that (2) 进一步阐述该观点。I disagree with this point of view for the following reasons.

  The first and foremost one is (3) 我反对的理由之一。

  History presented many examples(4) 举例说明。

  My second reason is (5) 我反对的理由之二。

  We can learn this from the saying “(6) 用一句谚语说明 ”.

  Finally, it seems to be true that (7) 此处填入该观点的可取之处。But (8) 我反对的理由之三。

  All in all, I firmly believe that (9) 总结我的观点。





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