
2019-07-24 22:07:13 来源:网络 作者:mengli



  Part 2(按考频高到低)

  1.Describe a foreign star that you would like to meet

  Who this person is

  What he or she did

  What kind of person he or she is

  And explain why this person became famous

  2.Describe a time you solved a problem online. You should say:

  when and where it happened;

  what problem you solved;

  how long it took you to solve the problem;

  and explain how you felt about it.

  3.Describe an unusual experience of traveling. You should say:

  Where you went

  When you went there

  Who you were with

  What you did there

  And explain why it is unusual

  4.Describe a party that you have join in

  you should say:

  when did the party hold?

  Where did the party hold?

  Whose party?

  What you did at the party?

  5.Describe a piece of good news you heard from someone you know.

  You should say: what it was about;

  who you heard it from;

  when and where you got this news;

  and explain how you felt when you got the good news.

  6.Describe something you bought but have not used very much.

  You should say:

  what it is,

  when did you get it,

  how did you get it,

  and explain why you have not used it very much.

  7.Describe a time you gave advice to others. You should say:

  who you gave the advice to;

  what advice you gave;

  why this person needed your advice;

  and explain how useful the advice was.

  8.Describe one of your grandparents' job. You should say:

  what it was;

  how long has he/she been in the job;

  what kind of skills are needed for the job;

  and explain why he/she liked the job.





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