
2019-08-07 22:25:27 来源:网络 作者:yawen



  TASK 1

  Your classmate wants to buy a car and drive to school instead of riding bike, but he needs to do part time job to earn money for that. What suggestions will you give him?

  First of all, considering that he is still a students, I will suggest him to balance study and work well, which means he shouldn’t let this job affect his grades. It would be better if he can negotiate with his boss in advance about his work hours, so that he won’t miss any class because of his work. Secondly, I would recommend him to be careful about selecting jobs. Nowadays, many untrue advertisements look appealing but actually aim at cheating. For example, some companies charge their applicants fee for registration, which is totally a scam, students without self-protection ability can easily lose their money.

  TASK 2

  Some people prefer to do easy things first, others prefer to start from the hardest, which do you prefer, explain why.

  From my perspective, starting from easiest is better. On one hand, it can keep my interest, which means I won’t feel defeated or unconfident because of getting stuck from the beginning. Take learning math as an example, my math teacher always gave us some simple and solvable tasks during first few weeks of high school, so that we all gained confidence about math. In this way, even though later we failed in solving some tough questions, we still were positive. On the other hand, it can help me get things done as soon as possible. For example, I always start from tidying my room if I wanna clean the whole house, because if I always think about the big amount of effort for the entire place, I will never make up my mind to begin.





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