
2019-08-19 18:52:47 来源:网络 作者:mengli



  双边类 – 社会话题

  Some people think the responsibility of medicine companies is to spend money on researching medicines for people from poorer countries, while others think the main responsibility of medicine companies is to make money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.









  spend money on researching medicines for people from poorer countries: 站在穷人的角度,讨论降低医疗成本和企业社会责任的重要性;

  make money:站在厂商的角度,讨论盈利的重要性;


  Some people assert that medicine companies should focus on helping poor people, whereas other believe that the business is entitled to make money. It looks to me that both views are not antagonistic to each other; it is only a question of different emphasis.

  On the one hand, it is easy to understand why some people take it for granted that the pharmaceuticalcompanies should prioritize social responsibility over profits. From the perspective of the advocates of this, one thorny problem that exhausts many governments is the unaffordable cost of medical treatment, which is reckoned to be culpable for millions of unnecessary deaths every year. For example, in developing economies like China, people are reluctant to go to hospitals just because they cannot afford the medicines. Considering this, the medicine should first serve as something to cure diseases and save lives, then a product to earn money.

  On the other hand,plausible though it is, the argument is not justified enough to silence theshareholders of those medicine corporations, whose concerns lay more emphasis on the survival of their business, the rewards of investors, and the employment as well, not to mention their tax contribution to the government, which in turn, could be used to subsidize the public medical services. As well as these pragmatic determinants, a more important factor we cannot afford to ignore is the enormous investment for researching new drugs, which definitely comes from the income of selling medicines. How could these companies maintain new projects without stable economic return?

  In conclusion, it looks to me that both arguments deserve their justifications in certain circumstance.From the perspective of patients, pharmaceutical businesses should not allow the prices above certain level so as to make it affordable for the masses who need them most. On the other hand, these companies deserve modest profit to invest on the sustainable research for the new products, which in turn willbenefit everyone.


  Be entitled to 应该

  Antagonistic 矛盾

  Pharmaceutical 制药相关的

  Thorny 棘手的

  be culpable for 对负责

  plausible 看似合理的

  silence 使闭嘴

  survival 生存

  subsidize 资助

  pragmatic 实用的

  justifications 合理性

  sustainable 可持续的

  prioritize 重视





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