
2019-08-19 19:50:35 来源:网络 作者:mengli



  Some parents give their children everything that their children ask for or they want to do. Is this good for children? What could be the consequences for these children when they grow up? (2019/7/27)






  It is true that all parents tend to spoil their children as a natural sign of showing love. Nevertheless, the negative effects of over-spoiling in childhood can well last into adulthood.

  While there is nothing wrong with showing a great deal of love to children, over-indulgence is definitely not good for children. As a matter of fact, parenting is about loving children without spoiling them, which means that parents have to reinforce good discipline in their children. Without good discipline, children would never know what self-control is. Unfortunately, too often things go the other way.That may explain why spoiled children are on the rise in modern society as many parents give their children everything that they want to have or they want to do in order to please them.

  The spoiled children are likely to grow up to be unhappy and unpleasant adults. They may feel unhappy when they are not allowed to fulfill their wishesimmediately. Also, they would turn into unpleasant grown-ups for being narcissistic, believing that they deserve “special” treatment without having to follow rules in social situations. When they grow up, then, the over spoiled children will find it hard to cope with the real world and end up either isolated or antisocial. That is why we can always trace back the drug takers and criminals to their family background where they were excessively spoiled children.

  In conclusion, spoiling is bad for children because it can really hurt their long-term development. Spoiling children is easy, for it is always done in the name of love, but it will be really hard to repair their broken adulthood.

  (271 words)


  1. As a matter of fact, parenting is about loving children without spoiling them, which means that parents have to reinforce good discipline in their children.


  2. That may explain why spoiled children are on the rise in modern society as many parents give their children everything that they want to have or they want to do in order to please them.


  3. Also, they would turn into unpleasant grown-ups for being narcissistic, believing that they deserve “special” treatment without having to follow rules in social situations.


  4. When they grow up, then, the over spoiled children will find it hard to cope with the real world andend up either isolated or antisocial.


  5. Spoiling children is easy, for it is always done in the name of love, but it will be really hard to repair their broken adulthood.






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