
2019-08-19 19:57:35 来源:网络 作者:mengli



  混合类 – 教育话题

  Some parents give their children everything that their children ask for or they want to do. Is this good for children? What could be consequences for these children when they grow up?







  关键词 :


  consequences for these children when they grow up:要紧扣对*未来的影响,


  It is true that some parents tend to meet all requirements of their children. While people take different attitudes towards the influences on children, I would say whether it is a bless or not is a complicated problem that depends on how we define the meaning of ‘good’, and I am also not optimistic to its profound influence on the younger generation.

  On the materialistic level,this permissive rearing style is certainly understandable –children who have all their requirements met and are allowed to do whatever they like can fully enjoy the warmth from parents and are more likely to cultivate a stronger self-esteem. Nevertheless, from a more comprehensive perspective, the materialistic satisfaction mentioned above can be considered from an opposite angle: the overindulgence will inevitably lead to many character flaws, say, the lack of self-discipline, the incapability of behavior control, and over reliance on parents, all of which will exert detrimental effects on their later life.

  One problem that should attribute to the indulgent parenting is that many of such children are prone to juvenile delinquency. Without self-control of their greed and behaviors, which should have been cultivated at an early age, I doubt these children will obey any regulations or laws when grown up. As well as committing crimes, another apprehension we cannot afford to ignore is the ineptitude, a consequence of their lack of independence since childhood. Such a defect will become the major obstacle in their future careers, from job hunting to problem solving, not to mention the numerous challenges in a competitive adult world.

  In conclusion, the relentless responsiveness from parents is detrimental to the younger generation both in their formation of character in childhood and will cast a shadow in their later life.


  Optimistic 乐观的

  Permissive 纵容的

  Self-esteem 自信

  Overindulgence 溺爱

  Reliance 依赖

  Indulgent 溺爱的

  Parenting 家教

  juvenile delinquency 少年犯罪

  ineptitude 无能

  Responsiveness 回应





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