
2019-08-21 18:23:03 来源:网络 作者:huiwen



  A teacher

  Describe a teacher you have had.You should say:who the teacher is?what the teacher is like?how he/she taught?and explain what effect the teacher had on you.

  Talking about teachers in my life, l would like to mention Mr. Li who was my physics teacher at middle school in Shanghai. He is so important for me because he provided not only education but more critically, life guidance.

  Mr. Li had his own way of teaching and seemed interested in all the members of the class -- the weaker students as well as the clever ones, which really impressed me. And he also had a good sense of humor. I thought physics could be pretty boring sometimes, but when he found we'd stopped paying attention, he'd tell us a quick joke, and that would wake us up and he could go on with the lesson. His teaching methodology was so versatile that we never felt bored. It was so fun!

  Most importantly, he helped us learn what learning was all about. He taught us not only a subject, but also how to carry on learning about the subject after class. For example, he said that we should always try to keep an enquiring and open mind; physics wasn't just a subject in textbook; it was a way of looking at the world and it could help us to understand the way in which the world worked. And many of us have benefited from this quite a lot because it changed our way of learning. I will always thank him for his devoted guide.

  As the saying goes," A mediocre teacher tells; a good teacher explains; a superior teacher demonstrates; and a great teacher inspires." To me, he is the greatest teacher I have ever known.





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