雅思范文:job change

2019-08-29 19:54:13 来源:网络 作者:cici
雅思范文:job change,雅思写作想要得到*,在平时的备考中,考生就可以多看看一些范文来积累素材,那么接下来本文就带大家来看看雅思范文:job change吧。

  雅思*范文:job change,雅思写作想要得到*,在平时的备考中,考生就可以多看看一些*范文来积累素材,那么接下来本文就带大家来看看雅思*范文:job change吧。

雅思*范文:job change

  People have different expectations for jobs. Some prefer to stay in the same job for the same company while others change jobs frequently. In my opinion, both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

  Those who prefer to have a job lasting from cradle to grave are usually steady typed. Many recruiters prize prospective employees who have stayed at the same job for several years because they are thought loyal and credible. They are also felt to have commitment and devotion to the job. However, the greatest risk for this type of employees is that they many acquire a reputation as “dead wood” or “lifers” people. They may be thought too lazy or not talented enough to change a new job. Once losing the present job for any reasons, they will find it difficult to seek a new one for the lack of experience.

  Job hoppers, on the other hand, have no such worries. They possess a wider variety of experience to fit many job situations. Job-hopping seems to be looked upon as a way to move upward in responsibility quickly and keep skills fresh and up to date. Many employers will often hire the person with a wide range of short-term experience over one who has spent many years with one employer. However, there are two sides to the issue. If one moves from job to job in a couple of years, people may question his or her integrity and loyalty. They may be thought unstable or untrustworthy. Some recruiters prefer someone with solid experience related to their particular field.

  Right or wrong, at the moment employers are more forgiving of people who have had several jobs. To stay or to leave, it is your own choice.

  以上就是关于“雅思*范文:job change”的相关内容,希望以上内容能对大家的雅思写作有所帮助!*后,小编预祝各位考生早日考试成功!




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