
2019-09-02 20:12:56 来源:网络 作者:wuqi


<a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/newsclass/detail/120938'>雅思口语范文</a>100篇:水上运动

  雅思口语主题:a water sport you would like to try.


  Well, it's a challenging topic for me because I'm not an athletic person, and I'm a landlubber who can't swim at all.But given a choice, I might be willing to try a high-altitude dive.From the height of the platform to plunge into the water, think about it is very exciting, isn't it?

  The resason why I want to try this water sport is that I saw a diving video on youtube, a youtuber he jump into a deep pit,where is a cliff, the sourrding is clear blue sky white cloud. There is a famous scenic spot of Bali, a crush too, I also want to go this summer vacation to play.To be honest, I think the biggest challenge for me in this sport is that I'm a little bit afraid of heights, it takes a little courage to jump down, as for swimming, my friend told me that he would teach me.First of all, I may need to buy some insurance.

  For someone who doesn't know how to swim and wants to try such an exciting sport, it is worth remembering that I can jump off. I am 30 years old. I was always timid and didn't dare to try anything, but I want to make a change from this year.








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