
2019-09-09 21:17:53 来源:网络 作者:Esther




  下面的总结分为 4 大类:

  基础替换词:比如 since、as、due to 等

  从句和句型:比如 which leads to、with 结构等

  表达的转述:比如 be responsible for 等

  不完全替换:比如 by dint of 等

  其中重点推荐第 2 种和第 3 种方式,希望你看完之后会觉得非常实用,以至于下次写到 because 的时候觉得不替换都不舒服。


  in this way

  as long as

  insomuch as

  inasmuch as

  insomuch that

  insofar as

  insofar that


  seeing that


  in consideration of

  in view of the fact that

  in order to

  in order that

  out of

  not … until

  by dint of


  in this way 这样

  In this way, the manager develops a powerful data base of information.

  as long as

  so long as 只要

  There are few moral limits imposed, so long as what happens is between consenting adults.

  insomuch as

  inasmuch as

  insomuch that

  insofar as

  insofar that


  The economic forecast for the coming decade looks promising, inasmuch as we can predict that far in advance.

  The present study was limited in this regard insofar that behavior change was not assessed.


  seeing that


  in consideration of

  in view of the fact that


  Given such a dramatic impact on children's lives, one might expect today's high divorce rate to be viewed more widely as a national crisis.

  Seeing that there is often poor visibility, the site chosen as an airport is not appropriate.

  in order to

  in order that 为了

  All the parts for this kind of machine must be made of especially strong materials in order that they will not break while in use .

  out of 从…中来

  Confidence enables you to win, and by winning you get enjoyment out of the game.

  not … until 直到…才

  It is not until the recent nuclear leakage that the increasingly dangerous nature of the nuclear power has become clear.

  by dint of 凭借

  Trying new and different products by dint of what new and different labels show up on the bar has become second nature to them.






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