
2015-10-20 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

2015年10月15日-16日,第三届英国文化协会“英语新方向”系列研讨会在首尔举办。有幸受英国文化协会(British Council)邀请朗阁教育RDC研究员Vivian与我共同赴韩参加两天的会议。

 教育界的*学者在两天的会议中,从Consequence/Quality/Classroom and Curriculum三个方面,向参与者分享了各自领域已经或正在进行的相关研究,为英语教学、学习和评估*了方向。由于会议内容多且*性强,所以在这里只分享以下内容:


1.       关于雅思IELTS机考


Ricole & David Akast(Manager BC Tests, East Asia)       David & Jamie名片

在与David Akast(Manager BC Tests, East Asia)的交流中,谈到“有传闻说雅思将改革为机考”时,他很谨慎地问:“你从哪儿得知这则消息的?是谁告诉你的么?”我告诉他网上的消息之后,他请来了BC的高级研究员Jamie Dunlea帮我解决这个问题。



然后我们找到了Barry O’ Sullivan(Head of Assessment Research & Development),一阵寒暄之后,我们又抛出了关于雅思机考的问题,Barry身边的BC官员们调侃道“你问的这个问题非常好,我也很想知道。”Barry果然不一般,给出的回复信息量十足却依然措辞谨慎。他的回复大意是:我们计划2016年实施机考,但那只是计划;机考和笔考的试题完全相同,考生可以自主选择考试方式,口语考试依然是*和考生面对面交流的方式,我们在做一些远程考试的研究,但即使是远程口语考试,也是人与人的沟通,比如用ipad或者iphone进行视频口试,但我们仍在研发。It’s a long way to go.



2.       PPT一瞥

Constant Leung

King’s College, London, Uk


In the first part of the talk, he problematized teacher feedback in formative/learning-oriented assessment in relation to concepts and theories of language and learning. In the second part he examined some of the emerging insights from the research in fields such as English as a Lingua Franca and their implications for the modeling of English for learning and assessment.




我的解读:传统的填鸭式英语教学方式将无法跟上未来英语语言测评考试的需求,教师急需向constructivist &  socio-cultural approach转型。

Tineke Brunfaut

Lancaster University, UK


Exploratory investigation of patterns in the data has established where relationships can be identified between such information and language test scores in the four skill areas.








Han Baocheng

Beijing Foreign Studies University, China


Language ability is defined as the ability of comprehending and expressing information that learners exhibit when they apply their knowledge of language and knowledge of the world, and the strategies they use to perform language use activities in a variety of contexts.


图为英语课程从comprehensive language ability向four core competencies的转变。




3.       其它





New Directions is a series of expert-led events in East Asia that brings international and national perspectives and insight into trends and approaches in English language teaching, learning and assessment.


The focus in Korea 2015 looked at test quality and the consequences of testing from the point of view of society and education policy.


Conference themes

1.  Consequence: Stakes and Stakeholders

·Gaining recognition for tests

·Considering Stakeholders in Tests

·Development and delivery

·Managing change in assessment policy and practice

·Stakeholder assessment literacy


2.    Quality: Design to delivery

·Quality Assurance in test design and development

·Quality Assurance in test delivery

·Communicating Quality

·Large-Scale-Assessment of the Productive Skills


3.    Classroom and curriculum

· Tests as Drivers of Change

· Classroom-based assessment

· Formative Assessment

· Test Theory versus Test Practice







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