
2016-09-13 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编





Part Two


You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.

You have one minute to think about what you are going to say.

You can make some notes to help you if you wish.

Sample answer:

The stadium that I’d particularly like to introduce is Ji’nan Olympic Center, which was specially constructed for 11th National Games held in Ji’nan in 2009. This center lies in east Ji’nan, about 11 km away from city center. It’s on Jingshi Rd which is well-known for its role as the most important traffic artery in my city. The center consists of two major stadiums. One is called Donghe, serving a function of holding indoor games like badminton competition, while another one is named Xiliu, principally being responsible for holding outdoor sport matches like track and field games.


However, after the National Games, the center’s role has been shifted. Basically, it now serves as a home field for the local football team--Shandong Lu’neng Football Team. Besides, it’s now open for the public to do sports in its well-equipped stadiums, which is also the chief reason why I go there frequently. On average, I play badminton there once a week and some male friends of mine enjoy playing basketball there almost every week. I suppose that residents tend to go there because the sports facilities there are of high quality. Also, the ancillary facilities, such as the bathroom, the lounge, and of course the service center, outstandingly cater to residents’ need of enjoying sports. Ok, one thing I’d also like to mention here is that the two stadiums are now holding almost all concerts in the city. I personally have already been to about 5 concerts there, which left me unforgettable memories.


Finally, I’d like to discuss some profound influences the center has brought to us. First of all, it provides the public a terrific opportunity to enjoy sports, improving public health and bettering local dwellers’ life quality. Equally, the society has been offered considerable benefits, such as tax revenue got from visitors and from charge for facility use. Anyway, the construction of this sports center has made local residents and the city major beneficiaries.





traffic artery: 交通动脉

serves as:作为…而服务;起到…的作用/角色

serving a function of:起到…作用

home field:主场

tend to:倾向于做…;喜欢做…;

ancillary facilities:配套设施,附属设施

cater to:满足/迎合…需求






Sample answer:

Well, this topic is particularly interesting to me as I have been into body-building in recent half year. Body-building is a complex thing, which aims to build body shape, or muscles, through physical training, a combination of strength training, endurance training, aerobic training and so forth.


Normally, I go to gym at least 3 times a week. I go there by myself but I train with my personal trainer. As some other young people in China, I bought and attend conditioning classes in a gym close to my home. During my personal training class, different from those public conditioning classes open for every member, I do specially designed training. What attracts me most is that my personal trainer knows my strengths and weaknesses, so he carefully designs suitable training sessions in order to meet my needs. On average, I spend 2 hours working out in the gym, of which 1 hour is for personal training class and another 1 is for aerobic training like jogging or cycling.


Now, it’s the 7th month I have been kept doing this kind of activity, and Icannot be more surprised at the change of my body. I would say doing this thing is one of the most correct decisions I have made recently because it’s truly amazing to witness the change of my body shape day by day. If not for doing this, I would by no means know the importance of Body Mass Index (BMI); neither would I know what Lean Body Mass (LBM) means to a person. If not for this, I would definitely only do aerobic training like running as silly as a toad, because to increase Lean Body Mass by doing strength training is of paramount importance to someone who wants to lose weight and build gorgeous body shape. Anyway, body-building has changed me a lot, and I do believe that I will keep doing this.





strength training:力量训练

endurance training:耐力训练

aerobic training:有氧训练

personal trainer:私教

conditioning classes:健身训练课

cannot be more…(adj.):不能更…,常接形容词,形容某人(物)非常高兴,或重要等。

Body Mass Index (BMI):身体质量指数,常用于衡量人身高体重比例是否符合标准。

Lean Body Mass (LBM):瘦体重,指瘦肉(肌肉)在人体中的重量和比例。

as silly as a toad:傻乎乎地


Sample answer:

There’s one particular leisure activity, or sport some people may say, that has triggered my interest in recent two years. It is snorkeling, a popular activity that allows people to float on the water to experience the underwater scenery with the aid of a snorkel (the breathing tube) on most tropical resorts. And just because of its geographical limit, the availability is rather low for me, which is truly a pity. Ok, speaking of its cost, I should say it is highly uncertain, but I’m sure that whichever island I go, the cost is quite high. For example, if I remember correctly, I spent about AUD$150 in Cairns, Australia, and about US$100 in Bali and Fiji respectively. I think it’s fairly exp




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