
2016-09-21 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编

朗阁海外考试研究中心  张姗姗






1. 题型之间有顺序



Eg: 剑九文章William Henry Perkin---The man who invented synthetic dyes. 这篇文章有两大题型:1-7 T/F/NG, 8-13简答题。文章一共有10段,而1-7题出现在前5段,8-13出现在后5段。考生在解题时,只需要按照顺序性解答每一道题目即可。问题在于:我们如何判断这两大题型之间是否是有序的呢?很简单,考生在解题之前,只需要看一下第二大题型的前几道题目就可以了,大致了解一下前几道题,然后在做类题型的过程中,如果已经出现第二类题型,考生可以判断出来。比如这篇文章,我们在做所有题之前先看一下第8题:Before Perkin’s discovery, with what group in society was the color purple associated? 定位词是the color purple。也就是说考生在做题时,看到color purple之前,都可以放心做前7道T/F/NG, 而不用担心期间是否已经出现了简答题。在这篇文章中,我们很顺利地用前5段解答了前7道题,第8段的第3句话中出现了定位词purple: Indeed, the purple color extracted from a snail was once so costly that in society at the time only the rich could afford it. 所以可以确定,简答题在后5段出现。


有些考生担心自己记不住color purple这个定位词,本来做前面的T/F/NG已经很费脑筋了,难道还要时刻记着寻找第二类题型的定位词么?这种情况有两种解决方法:在做前7道题的时候如果发现很顺利,也就是出题位置很近,几乎每一段都会出现一道题目,那就放心大胆集中精力先做T/F/NG就好了;或者将定位词color purple在大脑中图像化,也就是不要只死板地寻找这两个英文单词,更好的做法是把purple在大脑中具体化,比如想一个颜色为紫色的东西,这样印象会更深刻一些。这种将定位词图像化而不是单纯寻找某一个或几个英文单词,是个非常重要的技能,能够帮助大家更准确地定位。后面我们探讨比较难的配对题时会更频繁地使用到这一技能。


2. 题型之间无序,或有交叉



Eg: 剑11 Test 1 P1 Crop-growing skyscrapers


1. Some food plants, including____, are already grown indoors.

2. Vertical farms would be located in_____, meaning that there would be less need to take them long distance to customers.

3. Vertical farms could use methane from plants and animals to produce_____.

4. The consumption of _____would be cut because agricultural vehicles would be unnecessary.

5. The fact that vertical farms would need _____light is a disadvantage.

6. One form of vertical farming involves planting in _____ which are not fixed.

7. The most probable development is that food will be grown on_____ in towns and cities.


8-13. T/F/NG:

8. Methods for predicting the Earth’s population have recently changed.

9. Human beings are responsible for some of the destruction to food-producing land.

10. The crops produced in vertical farms will depend on the season.

11. Some damage to food crops is caused by climate change.

12. Fertilisers will be needed for certain crops in vertical farms.

13. Vertical farming will make plants less likely to be affected by infectious diseases.


皆为有序题型。按照常理,前7题应该是顺着文章的段开始出的。我们需要首先确认一下第8题在哪里出:定位词method, predicting, the Earth’s population. 结果我们在看文章段句话时,就已经看到了定位词the Earth’s population, 这意味着前7道填空题可能一道还没出呢,就已经出现第8题了,这样我们首先解答出了第8题。之后的做题方法是一样的,需要确定第9或第10题的定位词,这样在做前7道填空题的过程中,能够顺便把T/F/NG做出来。比如在第1段做完第8题之后,第1、2题都在第2段出。而第3段开头It took humans 10,000 years to learn how to grow most of the crops we now take for granted.这句话已经出现了第9题的定位词human beings了。接着往后看:Along the way, we despoiled most of the land we worked, often turning verdant, natural ecozones into semi-arid deserts.通过这句话中的despoiled等词判断出第9题是TRUE, 这一段的后面出现了第11题的定位词climate change, 所以第10题也出现在第3段。而第4段中才出现了第3/4题。这样一整篇做下来我们发现:第1段—第8题,第2段—第1/2题,第3段—第9/11题,第4段—3/4/10/12/13题,第5段—第5题,第6段—第6题,第7段—第7题。这说明两个各自有序的题型是完全交叉在一起出题的,如果做的时候不考虑第二个题型只关注个题型,做完后再看第二个题型,还要重新看一遍文章才能做出来,会浪费很多时间。





Eg: 剑11 Test 1 P3Reducing the Effects of Climate Change

27-29. 信息段落配对:

27. mention of a geo-engineering project based on an earlier natural phenomenon

28. an example of a successful use of geo-engineering

29. a common definition of geo-engineering


30-36. 填空题:

Geo-Engineering Projects



Put a large number of tiny spacecraft into orbit far above Earth

To create a 30____that would reduce the amount of light reaching Earth

Place 31____in the sea

To encourage 32____to form

Release aerosol sprays into the stratosphere

To create 33____that would reduce the amount of light reaching Earth

Fix strong 34____to Greenland ice sheets

To prevent icebergs moving into the sea

Plant tr



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