
2017-07-27 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:GRE考试



其中经常可见各种主理论或者主义 (-ism)。而这些内容绝大多数情况下,即使联系上下文,也未必容易准确的猜测出其具体含义。虽然这并不一定会影响答题,但是如果能够在开始就辨识出这类单词,一定会对文章理解的程度、阅读速度、文章主题判断等方面大有帮助。为此,朗阁教育将这些-ism的单词整理起来,分期分批慢慢分享给大家。对于这部分词汇,不需要背诵,所以希望同学们当做科普小知识一样,多做了解。如果对某些理论或者主义感兴趣,不妨顺便看看相关的英语阅读材料,也不失为一种锻炼 GRE *性阅读的好方法。


absolutism doctrine of government by a single absolute ruler; autocracy *主义;专制主义

absurdism doctrine that we live in an irrational universe 荒诞主义

academicism doctrine that nothing can be known 形式主义

accidentalism theory that events do not have causes 偶然主义

acosmism disbelief in existence of eternal universe distinct from God 无宇宙论

adamitism nakedness for religious reasons 宗教裸露派

adevism denial of gods of mythology and legend 无神论

adiaphorism doctrine of theological indifference or latitudinarianism 不置可否论

adoptionism belief that Christ was the adopted and not natural son of God 嗣子论

aestheticism doctrine that beauty is central to other moral principles 唯美主义

agapism ethics of love 泛爱主义

agathism belief in ultimate triumph of good despite evil means 善学论

agnosticism doctrine that we can know nothing beyond material phenomena 不可知论;存疑主义

anarchism doctrine that all governments should be abolished 无政府主义

animism attribution of soul to inanimate objects 泛灵论

annihilationism doctrine that the wicked are utterly destroyed after death 灵魂寂灭论

anthropomorphism attribution of human qualities to non-human things 拟人论

anthropotheism belief that gods are only deified men 人神一体说

antidisestablish-mentarianism doctrine opposed to removing Church of England's official religion status 反对解散国教主义

antilapsarianism denial of doctrine of the fall of humanity 反预定论




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