
2018-06-28 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁海外考试



  learning method
  1 class trip/lap trip
  integrate theory and reality, make sense of,,,, consodidate,,,,, form  interest in learning.
  2 lecture class
  reinforce your confidence, know more deeply about the social life, the  lecture is a more systematic learning method, we can get the fresh knowledge  from our professors, and the professor is more available to us. so it can save a  lot of time, maybe that is the so called time effective, and it will be more  productive
  3 seminar
  In this way, we can get more personal attention, we can exchange ideas,  communicate information, and share the different learning experiences, that will  be really perfect. And during the process of discussion, we can consolidate the  specific details and the knowledge
  that we get from the professor.
  4 Independent learning
  In that way, we can keep our own pacing, we can be self motivated, we can  discover something new, even something dazzling by ourselves. It give us the  sense of achievement, That will be really coo. Plus, there are no interference  when we learning by ourselves.
  so may be it will be more effective and productive.




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