托福阅读之人脸识别Facial Recognition

2018-07-02 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁海外考试
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  托福阅读能力的*重在日积月累,没有捷径可走。只有当我们读遍了所有的阅读材料以后才能做到得心应手。阅读材料的选择也非常重要,下面小编为大家推荐一篇托福阅读之人脸识别Facial Recognition,请大家细看。

托福阅读之人脸识别Facial Recognition

  Facial recognition
  Nowhere to hide
  Facial recognition is not just another technology. It will change  society
  THE human face is a remarkable piece of work. The astonishing variety of  facial features helps people recognise each other and is crucial to the  formation of complex societies. So is the face’s ability to send emotional  signals, whether through an involuntary blush or the artifice of a false smile.  People spend much of their waking lives, in the office and the courtroom as well  as the bar and the bedroom, reading faces, for signs of attraction, hostility,  trust and deceit. They also spend plenty of time trying to dissimulate.
  Technology is rapidly catching up with the human ability to read faces. In  America facial recognition is used by churches to track worshippers’ attendance;  in Britain, by retailers to spot past shoplifters. This year Welsh police used  it to arrest a suspect outside a football game. In China it verifies the  identities of ride-hailing drivers, permits tourists to enter attractions and  lets people pay for things with a smile. Apple’s new iPhone is expected to use  it to unlock the homescreen.
  Set against human skills, such applications might seem incremental. Some  breakthroughs, such as flight or the internet, obviously transform human  abilities; facial recognition seems merely to encode them. Although faces are  peculiar to individuals, they are also public, so technology does not, at first  sight, intrude on something that is private. And yet the ability to record,  store and analyse images of faces cheaply, quickly and on a vast scale promises  one day to bring about fundamental changes to notions of privacy, fairness and  trust.
  The final frontier
  Start with privacy. One big difference between faces and other biometric  data, such as fingerprints, is that they work at a distance. Anyone with a phone  can take a picture for facial-recognition programs to use. FindFace, an app in  Russia, compares snaps of strangers with pictures on VKontakte, a social  network, and can identify people with a 70% accuracy rate. Facebook’s bank of  facial images cannot be scraped by others, but the Silicon Valley giant could  obtain pictures of visitors to a car showroom, say, and later use facial  recognition to serve them ads for cars. Even if private firms are unable to join  the dots between images and identity, the state often can. China’s government  keeps a record of its citizens’ faces; photographs of half of America’s adult  population are stored in databases that can be used by the FBI. Law-enforcement  agencies now have a powerful weapon in their ability to track criminals, but at  enormous potential cost to citizens’ privacy.
  The face is not just a name-tag. It displays a lot of other information—and  machines can read that, too. Again, that promises benefits. Some firms are  analysing faces to provide automated diagnoses of rare genetic conditions, such  as Hajdu-Cheney syndrome, far earlier than would otherwise be possible. Systems  that measure emotion may give autistic people a grasp of social signals they  find elusive. But the technology also threatens. Researchers at Stanford  University have demonstrated that, when shown pictures of one gay man, and one  straight man, the algorithm could attribute their sexuality correctly 81% of the  time. Humans managed only 61%. In countries where homosexuality is a crime,  software which promises to infer sexuality from a face is an alarming  prospect.
  Keys, wallet, balaclava
  Less violent forms of discrimination could also become common. Employers  can already act on their prejudices to deny people a job. But facial recognition  could make such bias routine, enabling firms to filter all job applications for  ethnicity and signs of intelligence and sexuality. Nightclubs and sports grounds  may face pressure to protect people by scanning entrants’ faces for the threat  of violence—even though, owing to the nature of machine-learning, all  facial-recognition systems inevitably deal in probabilities. Moreover, such  systems may be biased against those who do not have white skin, since algorithms  trained on data sets of mostly white faces do not work well with different  ethnicities. Such biases have cropped up in automated assessments used to inform  courts’ decisions about bail and sentencing.
  Eventually, continuous facial recording and gadgets that paint computerised  data onto the real world might change the texture of social interactions.  Dissembling helps grease the wheels of daily life. If your partner can spot  every suppressed yawn, and your boss every grimace of irritation, marriages and  working relationships will be more truthful, but less harmonious. The basis of  social interactions might change, too, from a set of commitments founded on  trust to calculations of risk and reward derived from the information a computer  attaches to someone’s face. Relationships might become more rational, but also  more transactional.
  In democracies, at least, legislation can help alter the balance of good  and bad outcomes. European regulators have embedded a set of principles in  forthcoming data-protection regulation, decreeing that biometric information,  which would include “faceprints”, belongs to its owner and that its use requires  consent—so that, in Europe, unlike America, Facebook could not just sell ads to  those car-showroom visitors. Laws against discrimination can be applied to an  employer screening candidates’ images. Suppliers of commercial face-recognition  systems might submit to audits, to demonstrate that their systems are not  propagating bias unintentionally. Firms that use such technologies should be  held accountable.
  Such rules cannot alter the direction of travel, however. Cameras will only  become more common with the spread of wearable devices. Efforts to bamboozle  facial-recognition systems, from sunglasses to make-up, are already being  overtaken; research from the University of Cambridge shows that artificial  intelligence can reconstruct the facial structures of people in disguise. Google  has explicitly turned its back on matching faces to identities, for fear of its  misuse by undemocratic regimes. Other tech firms seem less picky. Amazon and  Microsoft are both using their cloud services to offer face recognition; it is  central to Facebook’s plans. Governments will not want to forgo its benefits.  Change is coming. Face up to it.
  以上是托福阅读之人脸识别Facial Recognition的全部内容,希望大家针对材料中出现的词汇和语法详加参悟,总结经验,切实*阅读水平,为备考尽一份力。更多精彩内容请关注朗阁托福频道。




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