
2018-07-02 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁海外考试



  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Playing computer games  is a waste of time. Children should not be allowed to play them. Use specific  reasons and examples to support your answer.
  Nowadays, most families possess more than one computer at home, and children  are more likely to be exposed to computers at a very early age. And many  computer games are aiming at children in recent years. Many people are concerned  about this situation and they believe playing computer games is a waste of time.  However, I disagree with this viewpoint and I believe children obtain many  benefits by playing computer games.
  First off, playing computer games offers children great platforms to get  acquainted with more people and hone their communication and cooperation skills.  For example, many computer games, such as World of War craft, require their  players to set up teams and fulfill certain tasks. These kind of tasks can only  be accomplished through good cooperation. So each player, including children,  can have their communication and cooperation skills improved.
  Furthermore, playing computer games could help improve children’s  intelligence. It is because many of them, especially puzzle games, require their  players to figure out possible plans and strategies to win the game; players are  not able to upgrade to the next level only with luck. For example, when playing  Angry Birds, you have to formulate a plan for shooting different types birds  according the layout of your targets. So, by playing such computer games,  children start to think, to plan and to carry out their plans.
  What’s more, playing computer games can be a good way to relax. Nowadays,  children bear greater pressure both from their study and life. For example, my  cousin are forced to take various kind of training courses at weekends, which  leads him to feel so anxious and exhausted. However, every time when he has  time, he would choose to play computer games. He told me that by playing  computer games, he can get rid of all the stresses and get fully refreshed. That  helped him to resume studying with high efficiency the next day.
  All in all, I draw the conclusion that playing computer games brings children  more benefits than downsides.




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