
2018-07-04 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁海外考试



  The lengths of annual holidays vary in different companies and different countries. Some people think that all employees are entitled to have at least 4 weeks of holidays every year. I believe that this practice would enhance the satisfaction of employees and promote the long-term development of the company.
  Most employees would welcome the four-week long vocation, which means they would have more time to travel and stay with their family members. It is common for people to suffer from high stress in their work and taking more time off is an effective way to relieve this pressure. Those busy parents can take this vocation together with their children, which would increase their communication and enhance family cohesion. Some employees may take advantage of the holidays to attend training courses and improve their professional skills.
  From the perspective of the company, some people may argue that long vocation would increase the labor cost and affect the normal operation. However, once the employee’s welfare is improved, they are expected to have more motivation to serve the company better. The company may need to hire more people and spend more money on human resources, but it will be rewarded in the long term if employees are happy with how they are treated in the company.
  To summarize, I believe that 4-week holidays would be popular with people in workplaces as this policy can improve the quality of their lives and motivate them to make more contribution to the company. Therefore, it is also beneficial for the company’s long term development.




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