
2018-07-05 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁考试中心



1. 宾语从句

宾语从句是写作*句式,语言结构相当简单,找到合适的动词后面添加完整句子即可。例如:I think/feel/believe+(that)完整句子(that可省略),可以用来表达论点。例如:I feel (that) job satisfaction plays an essential role in adults’ life. 如果想在词汇方面进行替换,可以考虑在动词前添加副词strongly/firmly, 增加语言难度。

2. 表语从句

表语从句的结构和翻译都很简单,在论点展开段落的段首可以使用。例如:The first/second reason is that+完整句子(that不可省)。当然,在例证的阐述过程中也可以使用,例如:The truth/fact is/was that he never did something like that before.

3. 原因状语从句

原因状语从句和前两个句式可以构成论点展开段落的开头句式,例如:The first reason is that…, because…. 这样既可以满足句意表达,又符合句式丰富,同时也体现了论点展开的逻辑。当然很多同学在进行论点表达时会出现多处使用because的情况,为了减少词汇的重复,推荐大家使用for/as/since来代替because (注意for通常放在句中使用)。例如:The companies are keen on inviting popular celebrities to act in the advertisements, for they’ve already got the reputation and popularity to attract audience.

4. so that

这个结构连接两种类型的状语从句:结果状语从句和目的状语从句。抛开语法定义,只要大家的句意为“所以”、“这样的话”,就可以考虑使用。在从句使用上和3原因状语从句几乎一致,只是句意不同。例如:The first reason is that children are more likely to be addicted to advertisements, so that they would always ask for the things on the screen. 这种句式在逻辑合理的前提下,也可以和原因状语从句结合,例如:The first reason is that children are more likely to be addicted to advertisements, for the short videos usually contain colorful pictures and attractive cartoon characters, so that the kids would always ask for the things on the screen. 这样一个貌似长难句的句式就诞生了,但逻辑通顺,句意合理,也是一个很有效的论点展开句式,重点是结构非常简单,大家只需要把几个关键的逻辑结构/词背过就好。

5. 定语从句

定语从句作为写作必写句式之一,大家在学习基础语言结构的时候已经了解到*简单的who/that/which引导的定语从句结构,在句意符合的前提下,可以尝试多写定语从句丰富句式。除此之外,我们也可以结合表语从句结构一起构造一个新的句式,这里需要大家回忆定语从句中关系副词why的实用方法。why 的特点就是几乎只用来修饰reason, 例如:This is the reason why a great many parents are unwilling to allow their children to watch advertisements. 当结合表语从句时,整个句式结构就变为:The reason why +句子1 is that+句子2. 其中,句子1用来修饰reason,句子2 用来表达 reason的内容。例如:The reason why an increasing number of parents are unwilling to allow their kids to watch advertisements is that they can easily be addicted to the colorful pictures.





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