
2018-07-06 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁考试中心



人物类01 good teacher02 good parent03 good friend04 good leader05 person you admire06 leader or follower

物体类07 an important object08 an important invention09 an important letter10 most useful book11 efficient transportation12 miss the most

地点类13 a place that you like most14 favorite room15 a school16 together with your friends (place)17 public place18 plain

事件类19 celebration event20 most important decision21 best time in a year22 enjoyable event23 most happy event24 deep impression25 challenging experience26 special opportunity27 good news28 ask for help

学习工作类29 help research30 books and internet31 study alone32 study method33 work in an office34 studying by oneself35 with discussions36 big city37 personal experience38 most important lesson39 choose major40 ideal career41 goal to fulfill42 skill learning43 job or career44 job or interests46 intern

生活类47 restaurant48 eat at home49 live with others50 by telephone

教育类51 attend college52 one year break53 college education54 all students55 higher education56 music and art57 sports courses58 dormitory59 uniforms60 recycling

道德选择61 tell the truth62 appearance63 If I have money64 emergencies

Pulling all-nighters.通宵熬夜。这是一个俚语的表达,一般人我不告诉他。Procrastinate拖延。Samantha也是经常把作业留到*后一刻才去完成。中美学生在这个问题上是一样一样的It would make sense to take off some points.扣几分也是合理的。作业交的晚了,扣几分是很合理的。Allergy过敏。在寝室里养宠物是不合理的,有人可能会对宠物过敏。Listen to a song on repeat单曲循环听一首歌。写作业的时候你听歌吗?是不是也有很多人像Samantha一样单曲循环。Keep me from getting distracted使我免受其扰。学习时听音乐更能集中精力?有的人是如此,有的人可能不一定。Upbeat乐观的,积极的 。It’s helpful to work with your friends跟朋友在一起工作是比较有帮助的。比如考试前要背诵一些概念(memorize concepts),跟朋友一起学习还是很有帮助的。





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