
2018-07-06 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:朗阁考试中心


*<a  style='color: #0a5bc7;font-weight:bold' href='https://www.longre.com/longre-toefl-716'>托福写作机经</a>大揭秘

独立写作:1.Telephone has had greater effect on people's lives than television.2.Your job will have more effect on your happiness than the social life does3.the more money people have the more they should give away to charity.4.Only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching.5.society benefits more from works of great artists than from political leaders.6.现在食物比以前更健康吗?7.the best way to improve the quality of education is to increase teacher’s salary8.should the government spend more money on education of very young children than the education of universities ?9.it is better to relax by a movie or reading a book than doing physical exercises.10.It is important to have rules about types of clothing that people are allowed to wear to work and school.11.if people are on vocation, they should leave their phones at home.12.住大城市比农村更好照顾家庭成员吗?13.which is most important for you to choose a living space? In an area not expansive?close to relatives ? or with many shops and restaurants?


阅读文章的要点:政府不应该在艺术事业或艺术机构上花费太多,理由如下:一,赞助艺术并不是一个政府当然或必然的责任。政府花了很多纳税人的钱在艺术事业上,而这些本来可以用于更多其他需要解决的问题上。二,政府投资艺术事业很容易引起抑制问题,因为政府很容易支持那些在政治倾向上有利于自己的艺术作品,而抑制那些在政治观点上和自己不一样的。三,政府对艺术的资助是完全不必要的,例如电影等产业每年盈利非常丰厚,根本不需要政府资助。而另外还有很多社会问题亟待政府的资助。讲座的要点:政府不应该停止对艺术事业的资助,相反应该增加投入。理由如下:一,艺术给人们的生活带来更多的乐趣,而丰富人们的生活是政府的义务。二,政府资助艺术并不存在 censoring problem.三,政府资助对于好莱坞这样的电影产业*可能是不必要的,但是政府资助实际上对于很多其他的艺术群体是必不可少的。举例说*艺术的问题。说如果*没有政府资助,不可能有钱办画展或者接受专业的艺术教育。





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