
2018-08-13 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:鄢玲





  1) Describe a city or country that you would like to live or work

  2) Describe an important river or lake in your country

  3) Describe a leisure facility you would like to have in your hometown

  4) Describe a thing you own that you want to replace

  5) Describe a talkative person you know


  Describe a talkative person you know

  You should say:

  Who he or she is

  How you got to know him or her

  What he or she likes to talk about

  And explain how do you like him or her

  Actually this topic reminds me of a boy named Jason. I knew Jason from an international exchange program in Chicago University last year. It was my first time got to know him but soon we became good friends. He is a charming boy who is also pretty stout. But what makes him a real popular program in our class is his perfect personality, you know, quite outgoing and approachable. Actually, what I can learn from him is his inter-personal communicative skills. Or, in other words, being talkative. That’s our first time to participate in an English program with so many classmates with many countries. For the first week, I felt hard to get along with my teammates, as I was reluctant to speak to others. But it seemed like Jason was having a great time with his teammates. And I notice that, Jason was glad to talk and share his ideas with others, though he was not always fluent. I wouldn’t say he talked too much, I guess he just made good use all possible opportunities to practice and interact with others which was actually beneficial. At the end of that exchange program, I turned to another person and I guess I should be thankful to Jason because he was the person who really inspired me.

  In recent years, the river has suffered from industrial pollution, agricultural run-off, siltation and loss of wetland and lakes, which exacerbates seasonal flooding. Some sections of the river are now protected as Nature reserves.

  I knew Chang jiang from my textbook when I was a primary school student. I was amazed by its length and scenery. There are some many poems and article to praise it. It’s the cradle of Chinese culture. No wonder it’s call the “mother of China”.





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