
2018-08-27 21:32:45 来源:网络 作者:鄢玲




  In the past, knowledge was stored in books; nowadays, knowledge is stored in the Internet. Do advantages outweigh disadvantages?过去知识储藏在书籍里,现在知识*存在网络中。是利是弊?



  In the current era, knowledge can be preserved on the Internet. Some people may argue that there exist more drawbacks when books are substituted by the Internet in terms of storing knowledge, but I cannot agree with this opinion.


  Admittedly, users may be confused about knowledge on the Internet. Most authors hold a serious attitude towards publishing a book and will be responsible for what they write in their books. However, since the Internet is open to everyone, many amateurs pretend to be masters in some domains and deliberately spread incorrect information, which brings difficulties to beginners since they may not tell the different between right and wrong. Nevertheless, there still exist more merits if information is preserved on the Internet.


  To begin with, storing knowledge on the Internet may avoid knowledge loss to some degree. It is true that books can contain knowledge, but most books will deteriorate with age and cannot be read anymore after decades of years. However, if knowledge is stored on the Internet, as long as computers are not damaged, knowledge can still be obtained from hard drives after a long time. Thus, Internet can store knowledge for a longer time while books are limited by characteristics of paper.


  In addition, users may save a lot of time when they search information on the Internet. In the past, when people intended to find a book they want, they had to go to a library and wasted some time on finding books on the shelf. By contrast, with search engines, users can acquire knowledge in a short time by typing in some key words in a database. There is no need for people to spend time on commuting and they can just sit in front of a computer and gain what they need quickly.


  To sum up, the merits of storing knowledge on the Internet may overshadow the detriments caused, considering that computers can preserve knowledge for a longer time and users can find information they need efficiently.





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