
2018-09-15 02:05:53 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编




1. certifiably adv. In a manner that is officially recognized

He couldn’t be institutionalized until he was declared certifiably insane.

certify v, certification n, certificate n, certifiable adj

2. complication n. A factor that makes something more difficult or complex

The surgeons could not easily stop the bleeding because of complicationsrelated to the patient’s 


complicate v

3. cure v. To restore to health

They say laughter can help cure many illnesses.

cure n

4. implant v. To set in firmly; to insert in the body surgically

The actress had cheek implantsto make her face look fuller.

implantation n

5. inject v. To insert a liquid by means of a syringe

The doctor used a needle to inject the medicine slowly into her arm.

injection n

6. obese adj. Excessively overweight

More Americans are obese now because U.S. culture encourages overeating and discourages exercise.

obesity n

7. procedure n. A specific way of performing or doing something

The flight attendant explained the emergency evacuation procedure.

proceed v, procedural adj

8. curriculum n. The courses of study offered by an educational institution

The teachers met to design a new curriculum for the Intensive English Program.

9. distinctly adv. Clearly

I distinctly remember saying that we would meet at noon.

distinction n, distinct adj

10. erudite adj. Highly educated

Even though Stella was only a freshman, she was considered erudite by both her classmates and her professors.

11. fortify v. To strengthen

The high-priced drink had extra vitamins and minerals to fortify the body.

fortification n





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