
2018-10-10 23:20:00 来源:网络 作者:Alice


  Do you agree or disagree with the statement. The best way for a teacher to help students become interested in a subject is to explain that subject will help them outside school.


  I do not agree with the statement that it’s the best way for teachers to help students become more interested in a subject by explaining how this subject can help students live better outside of the school. Instead, I think it is best to engage students by giving practical demonstrations that make the students want to learn more.


  I do agree that students will be more inclined to become interested in a subject if they know that it is helpful outside of school. For example, I had no interest in geometry until I tried making my first quilt, Then I realized how practical geometry was for calculating measurements of the blocks and the amount of fabric that I needed to buy. Once I learned how useful the subject could be, I was much more involved in math class at school. However, I do not think that just telling a student that a subject is helpful will work. In my case, I would not have been interested at all in geometry if the teacher only said that I could use it for quilting. Instead, I needed to solve a real problem in my own life.

  In fact, just telling a student something may be very counterproductive because it may sound like the teacher is preaching. Students could become less interested if they think that the teacher is patronizing them. Even a very good speaker is not as persuasive as someone who uses multiple means of communication. Therefore, I think it is better to engage students by giving effective demonstrations of how the subject applies to life outside of the classroom. For example, a biology teacher could have the students bake bread to learn about the properties of yeast. Baking bread is much more interesting than listening to a teacher drone on about how colonies get larger in size and give off gasses.

  Another way to get students engaged is to give a problem that can only be solved using information related to the subject. The students cannot just sit back and passively listen; they must try to find a solution. In finding the solution, they can see how the skill works, and they will remember it better. In addition, they may become motivated to learn more so that they can solve other, related problems. By applying the subject, the students learn the value of the subject and will want to learn more about it because they think it is worthwhile.

  Therefore, I think it is best for a teacher to give practical demonstrations or have students solve problems related to the subject. Doing so helps students see how the subject relates to the world outside the classroom and is much more effective than just telling students that a skill is worthwhile.


  practical demonstrations 实际示范

  be inclined to 倾向于

  be involved in 参与

  multiple means of communication 多种交流方式

  apply to life outside of the classroom 应用到课堂外的的实践中去

  drone on 喋喋不休

  give off 发出,放出

  sit back 闲坐着,袖手旁观

  the value of X X的价值





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