
2018-10-11 18:31:09 来源:网络 作者:Alice

  本文为大家带来托福口语话题模板之你*想去的地方,My favorite place这个话题是托福常考的话题,既然常考,很多大神就总结了模板,快来看看吧。


  My favorite place in my city is a cafe Restaurant called moonlight. The moonlight cafe restaurant is the largest restaurant in our city and it provides all kinds of food, from sea food to curry, and from sushi to barbeque. Though I am a picky gourmet, the moonlight cafe restaurant can make me satisfy. Besides, the moonlight cafe restaurant is near my home and it is convenient for me to go there, it just take me five minutes walking from my home to this cafe restaurant. The price of this cafe restaurant is very reasonable and the waiters there provide well rounded service. I love the moonlight cafe restaurant.


  Task 1

  If universities are given financial support to develop researches, which one do you think should be given more money?

  1. to predict weather more accurately

  2. to clean rivers and ocean

  3. the research on outer space

  Sample response:

  In my view, I think more money should be given to predicting weather more accurately.

  Honestly speaking, in my own city the weather forecast is far from accurate. Usually the weather report says it will be cloudy tomorrow, however it turns out to be sunny; the forecast says it will be sunny, however it turns out to be rainy outside. The complaints from the general public has never stopped. Therefore, if more money is invested in weather report, then the university may have money to hire more meteorology professors and may create more advanced methods in forecasting the weather. Then the weather report might be more reliable and accurate, so it will bring more convenience to our daily life.

  Task 2

  Some people prefer to make friends with people who have the same age with themselves; while some people prefer to make friends with those who have different ages from themselves. Which choice do you think is better and why?

  Sample response:

  As for these two choices, I prefer to make friends with people who have different ages.

  The most remarkable reason is that this may expand my horizon. Whether my friends are younger or older, I may get to know the interesting things in their daily lives when they were at a certain age like 20 years old, such as what music they listen to, what movies they see, what activities they often do after school and so on. However, if always talking with the friends who have the same age with me, we may often talk about some certain things, like the certain music, movies or activities and so on. Familiar as they are, yet I prefer to know something different.


  Task 1

  If universities are given financial support to develop researches, which one do you think should be given more money?

  1. to predict weather more accurately

  2. to clean rivers and ocean

  3. the research on outer space

  Sample response:

  In my view, I think more money should be given to predicting weather more accurately.

  Honestly speaking, in my own city the weather forecast is far from accurate. Usually the weather report says it will be cloudy tomorrow, however it turns out to be sunny; the forecast says it will be sunny, however it turns out to be rainy outside. The complaints from the general public has never stopped. Therefore, if more money is invested in weather report, then the university may have money to hire more meteorology professors and may create more advanced methods in forecasting the weather. Then the weather report might be more reliable and accurate, so it will bring more convenience to our daily life.

  Task 2

  Some people prefer to make friends with people who have the same age with themselves; while some people prefer to make friends with those who have different ages from themselves. Which choice do you think is better and why?

  Sample response:

  As for these two choices, I prefer to make friends with people who have different ages.

  The most remarkable reason is that this may expand my horizon. Whether my friends are younger or older, I may get to know the interesting things in their daily lives when they were at a certain age like 20 years old, such as what music they listen to, what movies they see, what activities they often do after school and so on. However, if always talking with the friends who have the same age with me, we may often talk about some certain things, like the certain music, movies or activities and so on. Familiar as they are, yet I prefer to know something different.





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