
2018-11-02 00:58:30 来源:网络 作者:清妍
托福综合写作满分模板哪里有?很多考生在考试之前都会仔细 的阅读范文,在范文当中找出得分点和自己的不足,那么今天小编就给大家带来一篇满分范文,后面附带语法讲解噢,快来学习。

  托福综合写作满分模板哪里有?很多考生在考试之前都会仔细 的阅读范文,在范文当中找出得分点和自己的不足,那么今天小编就给大家带来一篇满分范文,后面附带语法讲解噢,快来学习。


  PO20 综合写作满分范文:

  The reading passage argues that the "let it burn" policy should be replaced by the policy of extinguishing forest fires as soon as they appeared. However, the professor raises serious counterarguments against the reading paragraphs by providing three aspects as listed below:

  First, according to the speaker, the natural forest fires are a cycle of creativity even they have a large scale of the damage, and after the fires, new plants which became more diverse than before existed in the Yellowstone. For example, some big plants were replaced by the small ones appeared in the Yellowstone due to the open and shaded lands. Another example is that it was a better place for certain seeds thanks to the high level of the heat. This point directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

  Second, the reading passage states that the fire was a destruction of habitats and the disruption of the food chain. The professor, however, stated that the population had already recovered, and created some ideal habitats for the small animals such as rabbits and hares. Moreover, since the rabbits and hares began to live there, the predators who lived on them came to live in the Yellowstone, too. Therefore, certain food chain was stronger than before. This is another point where the listening opposes the reading passage.

  Third, quite different from what had been stated in the reading passage, the lecturer said that the fire in 1988 was quite unusual and it did not happen every year. Moreover, the massive fire was caused by the low rain fall and the strong wind, which would not occur again. Besides, the victors still come back to the Yellowstone next year and each year after that. This point refutes the view stated in the reading passage.


  1.The reading passage argues that the "let it burn" policy should be replaced by the policy of extinguishing forest fires as soon as they appeared.


  语法:that引导的宾语从句。as soon as引导时间状语从句。

  2.Second, the reading passage states that the fire was a destruction of habitats and the disruption of the food chain.



  3.Moreover, the massive fire was caused by the low rain fall and the strong wind, which would not occur again.








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