
2012-07-30 08:00:00 来源:网络 作者:PMC_ivy






      一般而言,在填空题中,只要是能够精准题库所填内容(尤其是section 1section 2的填空题),如可以判断出这个空格一定是填数字(年份,时间,具体数字),地点,方位名词,交通工具等等,考生都要提醒自己,在听题过程中出现貌似可以填在此空格的相关内容不止一个。此时,一定要锁定好卷面的词汇,精准定位。在选择题中,干扰项是一定会出现的,无论是三选一的单选题,还是多项选择,很多情况下,选择题每个选项中的词汇或词组片段都可在听力文章中出现。在解题的过程中,除了把握常规的作为入题词的名词动词之外,还有些限定词对于我们判断干扰项是至关重要的。我们要掌握以下几种*常见的限定词,对可能出现干扰项的题目作出题库。


      1. 时间及地点限定词

      例. C8T2S2

      What can you see in the park at the present time?

      A. the arrival of wild birds

      B. fruit tree blossom

      C. a demonstration of fishing

      答案 C, 此题一定要紧扣限定词at present time, 在这一信息附近出现的内容才是正确答案。

      原文:Green Vale changes with the seasons with different events happening at different times of the year. May will be perhaps our most spectacular month with the arrival of the Canada geese and when our fruit trees will be in full blossom, but there are interesting events on all year around…for example John Havers, our expert fly fisherman, is currently giving displays on the lake.

      分析:干扰项中的wild bird (Canada geese)以及fruit tree blossom (fruit trees will be in full blossom)都可以在听力过程中听到,但要注意它们所对应的信息是May, 而题干中的at present可以在听力中定位到currently, 它周围的信息fisherman, giving display就是答案的替换。


      例. C5T2S4

      Average daily requirement for an adult in Antarctica is approximately _________ kilocalories.


      听力原文:Maybe you know that an adult in the UK will probably need about 1700 kilocalories a day on average, someone in Antarctica will need about 3500, just over double.

      分析:我们首先听到的数据是1700, 随后紧跟着average这个卷面上可以直接看到的单词。有些基础不是很扎实的考生就会直接把1700写下,而忘记了之前听到的UK。在写1700的时候,就非常容易忽略紧随其后的限定词Antarctica引导出的正确答案3500


      2. 表示程度的词(多为形容词或副词)

. C7T1S2

The company has most camping sites in

      A. France

      B. Italy

      C. Switzerland


      听力原文:In Italy we now have some 64 sites that we either own or have exclusive use of. France is where we have the majority of sites, and we currently have a project to expand into Switzerland.



      例. C8T1S1

      Maximum monthly rent : ___________


      听力原文:--what’s your upper limit for the rent?

          --we’d like something around 500 a month, but we could go up to 600 if we have to

      分析:本题的入题词很明显upper limit + rent, 随后跟出干扰项£500, 正确答案£600与限定词maximum的改写go up to绑定出现。


      3. 括号或破折号中的限定信息

      例. C5T2S1

      Cost to join per year (without current student card): 3 _________

      Numbers of items allowed: (members of public): 4 _________


      --Does it cost anything to join?

      --Well, it’s free for students here but otherwise it’s 125 per year or 25 if you’ve got a current student card from another college.


      --…How many books can I borrow?

      --We allow twelve items borrowed at any one time if you are a student, and that includes CDs, DVDs, and videos. However, it’s only eight items for members of the public.




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