
2018-11-14 01:54:32 来源:网络 作者:朗阁小编






  adj. 健康的,好的


  n. 井;v. 涌出

  托福例句:The first wells were drilled into the Ogallala during the drought years of the early 1930’s.(TPO 3-3 Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer)

  托福例句:Gas pressure gradually dies out, and oil is pumped from the well.(TPO 4-3 Petroleum Resources)

  解析:well在托福中,经常会考察到作名词“矿井”的意思,如to dig/drill/sink a well 挖井/钻井/掘井。well表示井的意思一般出现在石油开采或者地质类的文章中。*个句子的意思在20世纪30年代早期的干旱年份中,在Ogallala*口矿井被挖掘出来。第二句的意思汽油的压力逐渐消失,同时汽油从矿井中涌出。另外,因为well有井口的含义,井口经常会喷发东西,于是引申为动词词组well out 就有涌出的意思,一般是指water 水和 blood 血涌出。well up 有“冒出,迸发”的意思,tears welled up in my eyes 我热泪盈眶;when he heard the news, joy welled up within him 他听到这个消息后内心充满喜悦.



  n. 兴趣;爱好


  n. [=advantage, benefit] 利益;[=Finance] 利息

  托福例句:Forty-three windmills powered the drainage pumps so that they were able to lease the reclamation to farmers as early as 1612, with the investors receiving annual leasing payments at an interest rate of 17 percent. (TPO 23-2 Seventeenth-Century Dutch Agriculture)

  解析:interest作“利息”的意思时,常见短语有the monthly rate of interest, 月利率。

  interest作“利益”的意思时,常用短语有to look after/protect/safeguard one’s (own) interests, *护自己的利益;to promote/further/advance one’s (own) interests, 促进自己的利益。原句翻译:有四十三座风车为排水泵*动力,因此早在1612年,这些土地就可以租给农民耕种,而投资者们每年以17%的利率收取租赁费。



  v. 画,描绘


  1. v. 得出(结论);

  托福例句:The stencils of hands found in these shelters and caves allow us to draw conclusions about which hand was dominant.(TPO 12-1 Which Hand Did They Use?)

  解析:draw这个单词有非常多的含义,在托福阅读中除了会考察到大家熟悉的“绘画”这个含义,也会考察draw a conclusion 得出结论,这样的含义。句子翻译为:在这些遮蔽物和洞穴中找到的手的模印能让我们得出关于哪个手是主导手的结论。

  2. v. 拖,拉,拽;

  托福例句:Mechanization included the use of horse-drawn harvesters and seed drills, many developed initially in the United States. (TPO 35-2 Population Growth in Nineteenth-Century Europe)

  解析:draw在这里表示”拖,拉,拽”,如the train was drawn by a steam engine火车由蒸汽机拉动。句子中horse-drawn即“由马拉动的“,整句话翻译为:机械化包含由马拉动的收割机和播种机,他们大部分*初是在美国发展起来。

  3. v. 吸引

  托福例句:They were concerned that many would be drawn to these new, refreshing conceptions of teaching only to find that the void between the abstractions and the realities of teacher reflection is too great to bridge. (TPO 9-2 Reflection in Teaching)

  解析:draw在这里表示吸引,如to draw sb. to do sth. 吸引某人做某事,draw one’s attention吸引某人的注意力。句子中,be drawn to 表示“被吸引”。另外,句中的only to find表示结果出人意料(多指不好的),整句话翻译为:他们担心很多人可能被这种全新的教育概念中所吸引然而却发现教师反思的抽象概念和现实之间的鸿沟太大而无法逾越。



  n. 姿势


  v. 构成,造成

  例句:The political institutions of the four countries posed no significant barriers to industrialization or economic growth.(TPO 18-1 Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia)


  解析:pose作动词,在托福阅读中的释义为“构成,造成”,短语结构为“pose sth on/to sb”,此处的sth,一般是problem, challenge, threat等名词。句中,posed no significant barriers to industrialization意为“未对工业化构成严重的障碍”。  




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