
2019-09-19 09:26:25 来源:网络 作者:wuqi



  大家如果关注电子产品的*会,就会学到很多关于科技相关的口语表达,比如“*”这个动词,可以用announce,“问市”可以用很简单的come out等等。*近苹果*了iphone6s,里面提到了很多新的features,像是“屏幕分辨率”啦,以及各种我拿中文都没记住的术语……


  I’m a huge fan of Apple products and my motto is “You gotta always have the new one”. I was told that the “s” in the iphone 6s stands for “slightly different”, but after watching the Apple announcement, I truly believe that it’s a worthy addition to the Apple lineup, ‘cause there are quite a few new features on this one. For example, it’s got… like a higher-resolution screen and a much better quality camera, especially for the front-facing camera. So for someone like me who’s obsessed with taking selfies, it’s an incredibly satisfying improvement. That means I can have much clearer pictures with the sharper resolution on the screen. And I heard they also did something about the processor, you know, to help it move faster, so there would be no lag, which is really good news. And about the size, I’ve heard lots of people complaining about it being too big, and they have to stretch all the way cross the country to type, and things like that, but personally, I think it just fits perfectly in the palm of my hand. And with the new operating system, the IOS 9, the layout would be much user-friendly. That’s why I have to have it, and I gotta say “Apple, you’ve done it again!”


  如果大家觉得苹果的产品很俗,不想写很大众的东西,当然也可以谈一些更尖端的东西,比如微软的全息眼镜,看过他们的*会,你会感觉那些science fiction里的东西,原来可以离现实这么近!

  大家可以说说这款炫酷的东西,比如It dramatically changes the way we learn. We could be able to see things in a whole new perspective. 等等。喜欢玩儿游戏的*,也可以表达一下此时激动的心情,所以之前屏幕里的场景,全都变成3D的了!





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