
2019-09-30 16:29:28 来源:网络 作者:huiwen




  More and more parents are allowing their children to play on computers and tablets as they think that children should learn technology skills. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?父母应该允许*使用电子设备吗?



  1. 承认原因的合理性,也承认结果的合理性

  2. 承认原因的合理性,但否认结果,论证原因不一定导致结果

  3. 否认原因,承认结果,论证导致这个结果另有其因

  4. 否认原因,否认结果




  Parents often struggle with decisions which involve their children's technology access. While children must learn technology skills from playing on computers and tablets, there are potential risks to consider.

  Learning technology skills can benefit children for a variety of reasons. Firstly, exposing children to technology concepts early on prepares them for a future where they can remain productive, as more and more things will go online. Without adequate technology skills, children could hardly survive in the future world. Secondly, technology provides a source of educational entertainment for children playing on computers and tablets. E-learning has become so popular these days that it has become a very important part of children's education. Finally, through technology, children have means to broaden their horizons like never before. For these reasons and more, parents are increasingly allowing their children to play on computers and tablets.

  However, over-using technology has a negative impact on children, both physically and mentally. For one thing, although playing on computers and tablets may promote new learning opportunities, it may also encourage less physical movement or a sedentary lifestyle. This can be seen in the rising number of children who have trouble with obesity. It is because spending too much time indoors in front of a screen increases the risk of weight gain. Mentally speaking, children who have more screen time are likely to have difficulty forming friendships and productive social networking. In their imagination, the world is shrinking as they begin to stop engaging in real-life, preferring the fantasy world offered by technology instead.In conclusion, the pros and cons of children using technology must all come down to moderation. Parents should realize that, for all the advantages, technological devices like computers and tablets can be harmful if they are overused.






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