
2019-10-09 16:19:47 来源:网络 作者:mengli



  Paragraph 3

  The American geologist Frank Taylor published a pamphlet in 1910 presenting his own theory of continental drift. He explained the formation of mountain ranges as a result of the lateral movements of continents. He also envisioned the present-day continents as parts of larger polar continents that eventually broke apart and migrated toward equator after Earth’s rotation was supposedly slowed by gigantic tidal forces. According to Taylor, these tidal forces were generated when Earth’s gravity captured the Moon about 100 million years ago. Although we know that Taylor’s explanation of continental drift is incorrect, one of his most significant contributions was his suggestion that the Mid-Atlantic Ridge—an underwater mountain chain discovered by the 1872-1876 British HMS Challenger expeditions—might mark the site at which an ancient continent broke apart, forming the present –day Atlantic Ocean.

  2. According to paragraph 3, Frank Taylor believed that

  A. present-day continents broke off from larger continents and drifted toward the poles due to tidal forces

  B. the lateral shifting of continents caused the formation of mountain ranges

  C. polar continents began to join together when Earth’s gravity captured the Moon 100 million years ago

  D. Earth’s gravity and speed of rotation created large polar continents

  3. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the Mid-Atlantic Ridge?

  A. It was once above sea level.

  B. It formed at the same time that Earth’s gravity captured the Moon.

  C. It was much more extensive when it was first formed than it is today.

  D. It was unknown before the HMS Challenger voyages.

  4. The word “generated” in the passage is closest in meaning to

  A. strengthened

  B. released

  C. produced

  D. present





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