
2019-10-16 15:26:22 来源:网络 作者:mengli




  1. Do you like taking photos?

  2. How do you share photos with friends?

  3. Why do people share photos with others?

  4. Do you prefer to take pictures by your phone or by camera?

  5. Would you like to know more about photography in the future? Why?


  Do you like taking photos?What do you major in?What do you major in?

  Wow I like this question and I love taking photographs. I'm crazy about using my phone camera to capture great moments of my life you know, and I check old pictures once in a while to recall what happened at that time.


  How do you share photos with friends?

  Well, sharing is never a problem, especially in this Internet era and so is photos sharing. I'd like to post photographs on my WeChat Moments, which is very efficient to let all my friends see what I'm doing and what I'm enjoying. And I'll be on cloud nine if I see tens of likes from my pals.


  Why do people share photos with others?

  Hard to say you know. I'm pretty sure different guys have different reasons. But it may be more interesting to see what happens after you share photos with others. Trust me, you'll never get the perfect response you wish to hear, because people are only keen on their own stuf.


  Do you prefer to take pictures by your phone or by camera?

  Definitely phones. I'm a heavy phone user, and I feel taking photos with a phone is far more covenient than using a camera.


  Would you like to know more about photography in the future? Why?

  I don't think so. I'm busy everyday and I don't have sufficient time to learn it. It's not a must-learn skill for me also. I like to take pictures of my own style and that's better than any other photography techniques.


  official language 官方语言法定语言公用语

  second language 第二语言第二外语第二言语二语

  endangered language 濒危语言濒临灭绝的语言危言

  natural language 自然语言人类的语言自天然语言

  Source language 来源语源语言原文原语





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