
2019-10-18 15:43:34 来源:网络 作者:yawen




  The first map depicts the current conditions of the university sports center and the second map illustrates the plan of redevelopment of the center.

  According to the plan, the building will expand, and the original outdoor courts will be removed, making space for the expansion. To enter the center, “访客视角”写法→ patrons should still use the original entrance, and the reception will still be the first stop. In the entrance hall, extended westerly and easterly, “访客视角”写法→ they will see a sports shop in the west corner and a café in the east corner. Next to the shop will be ←倒装 a changing room, and there will be another changing room next to the café.

  传统的方位写法→ Behind the reception, the 25-meter pool will remain in its original condition, and so will ←倒装 the changing room and the seating area. The gym will however have an easterly extension and reach the far east of the building, where there will be a couple of dance studios as new facilities. Meanwhile, a sports hall will be built, sharing the wall with the seating area. In addition, the western part of the new building will be a leisure pool.

  Overall, the center will have more functional areas and, as a result, will serve more purposes.





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