雅思口语Part3答案: old people/retirement

2019-10-20 13:17:07 来源:网络 作者:mengli
今天小编即将要分享给大家的是“雅思口语Part3答案: old people/retirement”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!有兴趣的小伙伴赶快和小编一起来了解一下吧!

  今天小编即将要分享给大家的是“雅思口语Part3*答案: old people/retirement”,希望能够对大家有所帮助!有兴趣的小伙伴赶快和小编一起来了解一下吧!



  What problems can people face after retirement?


  One surprisingly common problem is that some people don't cope very well with having lots of free time. If you have spent years devoted to your work or professional life, then suddenly not having your day mapped out can be quite daunting. Some old people end up sitting in front of the television all the time which is certainly not good for your physical health and possibly yourmental health as well. Also, a major problem is that many people don't prepare financially for the day when they no longer have an income from their work. Ideally, you should start putting money aside in a personal pension plan when you are in your twenties but at that age, retirement seems a long way off and it's easy to think that you will cross that bridge when you get to it.


  cope with sth 应付、处理...

  (be) devoted to sth 对于...全心全意

  (be) mapped out 被精心安排

  daunting 可怕的、令人望而却步的

  end up ... *终...

  physical/mental health 身体/精神健康

  put money aside 存钱

  in your twenties 在你二十多岁的时候

  cross the bride when you come/get to it 临机应变、船到桥头自然直

  今天小编的分享就到这里了,以上就是小编今日想要分享给大家的“雅思口语Part3*答案: old people/retirement”希望能够对大家有所帮助!更多精彩详细资讯请关注朗阁教育官网!




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