
2018-12-16 03:48:50 来源:网络 作者:清妍
托福写作如果运用上高级替换词,是可以给人眼前一新的感觉,一般分数也会比较高。整篇文章只有 I think, 和一篇有着:I suppose, hold the view that,suggest, approve 等替换think的相比,显而易见,阅卷人还是比较欣赏后者的。那么如何替换呢?

  托福写作如果运用上高级替换词,是可以给人眼前一新的感觉,一般分数也会比较高。整篇文章只有 I think, 和一篇有着:I suppose, hold the view that,suggest, approve 等替换think的相比,显而易见,阅卷人还是比较欣赏后者的。那么如何替换呢?一起来看看托福写作模板之替换词吧。

  Nowadays: “如今”。这是一个被*老师所“教坏”的词,以至于每个**生一写到作文开头就必定不会忘记的词!其实它只是个时间的表达,我们可以换成很多其他表达。比如说:
  these days;
  in the past several decades;
  in current society;
  in the modern society……
  More and more people: “越来越多人”。这句话不仅在写作中常用,在口语中也是常驻大户,能否来点高级货?比如说:
  an increasing number of people;
  people in growing number ;
  there are people in growing number ……
  With the development of science and technology:“随着科学技术的发展”。有多少同学把这句话放在句首,来举下手。100个考生中80%的都用,如果你是*会不会也出现眼疲劳~
  名词换动词,因为with +名词的短语,我们可以与as+从句进行互换,因为“with”和“as”都是“随着”的意思,所以这个短语可以换成,“as the science and technology develops”.这样的话,常用的development我们就可以把它动词化了。
  名词换形容词,developing在恰当的情况中可以当做形容词,指“发展当中的”,那这个短语我们就可以写成,“with the developing science and technology”.
  Q: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers were more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now.
  1、In the past decades, we can see emergence of social media of great variety. New technology has a huge implication to our society, which not only changes the way we acquire the information, but also shapes the whole social structure.
  文章*句语法上来说没有太大的问题,表达方面可以再改进, 可以把它改成对客观事实的陈述口吻, 因为是past decades,所以要用过去式:we witnessed the emergence of diverse social medias.
  2、As regards the job of being a teacher,I agree on that teachers are more appreciated and valued by the society in the past than they are now. From my perspectives, two reasons could be showed.
  as这半句语法没问题,但是作用不大,略显啰嗦。from my perspectives 和上文的 I agree on 重复,中文喜欢用重复表示强调,而在英文中行文喜欢简洁明了。这里可以把下文的两个原因稍微给个纲要:
  as well as the fast growing mass media, the fairly well educated population would be the main factors that trigger such change.
  *考生在托福写作中所呈现的表达大多数也都是“旧瓶装新酒”,虽然表达的是同样的思想,但胜在有新意,写作内容不枯燥乏味。试问在同样的考卷中,看到“including many things”和“comprehensive”这两种表达,你会给哪个打*?




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