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来源:网络2018-12-19 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦




  一,In this world every person has their own likes and dislikes and this does not convey the attitude or personality of that person accurately. Learning about the other person accurately is very important to maintain congenial relationship with the other person. If a person want to learn about another person he may judge about that person from the books he read and the movies he watch. Some people agree with this and others do not. In my view learning about the other person from the books and movies he like does not make any sense. I strongly disagree with the author's opinion mainly for two important reasons.

  The main reason is that person's attitude or personality do not lie on the books or movies he like. If the person watches action movies or read some horror books it does not state that the person is very rebellious and fractious. The judgement is not accurate. For example, I have a friend when I was studying in my high school. She is very friendly and has a good sense of humour. She likes to watch all action movies and read all horror books that is her interest and that is not her attitude. The other person may judge her falsely as a very rebellious lady by noting her likes towards the action movies. As you can see this is how the person will misinterpret about other person and fails to develop good relationship.

  二,The main concern of parents are their children and parents do whatever they can for their children. However, is raising children become easier than 50 years before? Responses to this question differ from one person to another according to the view that they are holding towards social issues and their own experiences with children. As far as I am concerned, raising and taking care of children is much easier in comparison to the past, and further justification elaborate on my perspective.

  Technologies improvement and subsequent higher quality of lives in comparison to the past, is the first and the most significant factor that facilitate child raising, and even critics affirm the accuracy of this comment. Fast foods, advance staffs and prepared clothes are just some of the facilitation that parents can utilize for their child raising process. For instance, they don't need to wash children's laundry with their own hands, meanwhile people in the past did not have washing machine; so, some parents in that time considered raising a child as boring and unpleasant work. Just with taking this factor into account we can infer how much it was difficult to have a child in the past. But, in the current advanced society all parents apply modern devices to do their works which make raising a baby much easier.

  三,Friendship is something we should cherish, since true friends are the most intimate persons in our life besides family members. Therefore, it is crucial to find out how to maintain the long-lasting friend. Among the three options, helping each other on crisis or when things go wrong, having same interests and trusting each other completely, the first one hits my consideration perfectly.

  Getting helps from friends when coming across crisis related to study could help consolidate the relationship between students and their friends – their classmates. Firstly, students often meet problems when trying to do their homework, since some of the questions they may not be able to solve and the deadline for the submission is almost there. If their classmates could sit down together and explain to them what would be the right equation to get applied to the math problem, or how to explain the chemistry phenomenon, it would be a relief for them and they would be grateful to their friends, causing to reinforce the friendship. Also, when the time for the exam is coming, a student who hasn’t finished the review would be so worried, and he urgently need the help from a friend to show him the most important key points covered by the teacher to pass the exam. They would appreciate this friend to a great extent, saying to his own heart that this guy would be my best friend forever. Talking about the application for universities, due to the intense competition, one student might be rejected by his dreamed school and get trapped in the emotion of depression. Under such circumstance, if his classmates could say some words to him that he deserves a better school since he is the best one, he could be encouraged to move on, and cherish the relationship with these friends more. Obviously, helps from classmates, who are also friends, in the period of crisis could let students know the importance of friends and so as to facilitate a long-lasting friendship.













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