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来源:网络2018-12-26 雅思托福0元试学

Lily老师从业5年 已帮助 300名学员实现留学梦



The teacher’s role:

在教育中,教师起着主导作用(leading role),引导学生积极思考(guide students to think independently and positively),激发学生的学习兴趣并提高学习效率(arouse their interest and improve learning efficiency)。在托福写作中,与教师有关的话题分两个方向,一个是教师的作用与其他对象的比较;另一个则是教师薪资评定。



Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay. 


自学,是一种很好的课后学习方式,更具有主动性。这是一个重要的教育目标,学生应该被培养成一个主动学习者,而不是被动接受知识的人(students should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas/ incentive motivation can spur students to achieve best)。因为学生可以根据自己的学习状态和进度进行学习(learn according to their own learning state and progress),这也体现了一定的灵活性(flexibility)。

教师授课对于学生的帮助显而易见,包括引导、激发、组织三方面(guidance/ motivation/ organization)。引导学生更好的理解和掌握知识(understand and master knowledge),循序渐进(students are introduced to sequential learning/ follow the principle of gradual improvement),提高学生的知识水平。激发学生的兴趣,老师通过课堂上的互动,以及课后的交流沟通(through the interaction in class and communication after class),帮助学生解决学习上的问题,避免学生上的疲劳和消极情绪(solve their learning problems and avoid students' fatigue and negative emotions )。组织课堂,练习对于学生的监督和管理(strengthen the supervision and management),增加课堂的趣味性(provide room for creativity and fun)。


In the future, students may have the choice of studying at home by using technology such as computers and television or of studying at traditional schools. Which would you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers should be paid to according to how much their students learn. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


教师的薪资往往会和学生的表现联系在一起(be associated with),这是有一定的合理性的(reasonable to some extent)。根据教师的角色定义,学生的学习情况是可以反映出教师的能力和授课态度的(teaching ability and attitude)。同时,这也是一种有效的方式让老师们把中心放在学生的学习反馈上(focus on students’ learning feedback and performance),具有一定的激励作用(incentive effect)。但是学生的表现并不能客观地反映出教师教学的部分内容(cannot objectively reflect the whole part of the content of teachers' instruction),因为他忽略了教学中学生的主动性和个体性(initiative and individuality)。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Teachers’ performances should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers.

It is generally believed that the performance of all teachers in the classroom should be evaluated. After all, they play a prominent role in shaping the minds of learners and exert a considerable amount of influence over students. It is equally imperative to reward good performance and support those teachers who are not competent to improve. Many schools and colleges assign the job of assessing teachers to their colleagues. I oppose this method, as it is unfair and unjust. I argue that schools should delegate the job to students. 

Many people express concerns that professional and personal friendships between colleagues in school will lead to accusation of bias and unfair judgments. It is inevitable that personal relations will influence teachers when they try to objectively assess peers whom their drink coffee with at break times. Naturally, to avoid hostility and maintain friendships, teachers may be inclined to give a glowing assessment to their colleagues, even when it is not deserved. In contrast, students are in better place to judge their teachers. Though there will be few students will inevitably use this opportunity to “get back” at teachers who told them off or gave them low score, it is still better than peer assessment. Students will give an evaluation that more closely reflects the performance of their teachers.

Even if teachers were to be objective and unbiased, there would be other compelling reasons why they should not evaluate colleagues. Unlike students who have been taught by the teachers and are in a position to provide personal feedback, colleagues will have no basis to judge performance upon.  Teachers have heavy workloads with teaching and marking and have little time to observe colleagues in a classroom for an hour or more, and even if they manage to do this, this is not a true reflection of the ability of a person. Given that objective judgement comes from close and ongoing observance, the evaluation of a fellow teacher can hardly serve as a reliable indicator of their performance. On the other hand, students, who directly observe teachers and learn from them, can determine their effectiveness as teachers. They can assess whether the teacher as subject knowledge, is supportive of students and provides guidance beyond the classroom, and judge the appropriateness of the content. 

In conclusion, students, rather than colleagues, should be asked to evaluate the teachers, as it is a more appropriate and fairer method. 













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